24- favor

503 23 1

"That'll be $5.30" The lady at the register says as she hands you your drink. You fish your wallet out of the pocket of your sweatpants and hand her your card, smiling softly at her when you realize she's hesitant to take the card from your hand.

I always forget that I'm famous. You think to yourself as the girl behind the counter hands you back your card, smiling nervously at you as she does so.

"Have a nice day" She says, trying her best to hide the excitement in her voice.

"You to" you say before turning around and walking out of the cafe.

You open the door and shiver at the cold morning air. The sky is still relatively dark and their aren't many people out. You fish your phone out of your  pocket and check the time "6:45" you repeat softly to yourself before talking a sip of your drink.

You weren't usually up this early, especially after being out until 3am because of patrol. But last night you couldn't fall asleep, your thoughts kept you wide awake and you had given up on sleeping at around 6:30. You figured you'd buy yourself something to drink from a cafe as compensation to your body for your mind keeping you awake. So that's how you ended up at a cafe at an ungodly hour of the morning.

Your phone buzzes in your hand and look at the screen in surprise.


Is he okay? You think to yourself before answering the phone.

"Hey Sho, you alright?" You say as you begin to walk down the street in the direction of your apartment.

"I'm fine i just...I need to ask you a favor" He says, a hint of shame in his voice.

"What is it?" You question before taking a big sip of your drink.

"I umm" There's a long pause before he speaks again "I need you to fly me to UA... I slept in and there's a meeting at 7. I'll never make it on time if I drive" He admits quietly, the last part of his sentence almost a murmur.

"I can do that, just send me your address" You say

"Okay...Thank you, I really appreciate it" He says softly

"No problem" You say happily. The line cuts and you get a text from the sleepy man.

You plug the address into your phone and take a massive gulp of your drink before throwing it into the trash can. You stretch out your wings before flapping them a few times preparing yourself to fly as fast as your can. You bend your knees slightly before shooting up into the sky as fast as you can, causing the very few people on the street to stare at you in surprise.

You bask in the early morning light as you soar through the air. You LOVED early morning flights but you rarely got to go on one because of how your schedule was. Sadly you couldn't take this flight slow because you had to pick up Shota but maybe on your way home you can relax, although you probably will end up speeding home because you'll probably be exhausted and want to sleep.

The flight to Shotas goes by quick and before you know it your standing on his balcony, knocking on the glass door. He opens it and steps outside without a word. He locks the door and turns to you, the look in his eyes is filled with shame.

You contemplate trying to ease his guilt by telling him that asking for help isn't a bad thing and it doesn't make him a bad person or incompetent but he speaks before you can say anything.

"Let's get going" He says with his usual monotone voice. You nod and let out a small hum in response before picking him up and talking off towards UA.

"You don't strike me as the type to sleep in" You say to the man in your arms.

"I'm usually not" He says shortly, his shame prominent in his voice. You hum softly in response, unsure if you should give the topic anymore attention or words for that matter.

"Sooo, what's the meeting about" You question

"I probably shouldn't be disclosing that information" He says

"Fair point" You respond

"But since it's you I'll tell you. Im taking my class on a field trip to the USJ today, the meeting is just going over precautionary measures for the trip" He explains

"These precautionary measures wouldn't have anything to do with the front gates of UA being blown up the other day would they?" You ask. You know damn well that's why the meeting is happening. You know a lot about the inner workings of UA because the commission values the success of its students and keeps tabs on the school and everything surrounding it. And in the whole time you've worked for the commission they have never held a meeting before a field trip to the USJ, they go there every damn year and this is the first year they've held a meeting about "precautionary measures". Precautionary measures on what? How not to have the doors of the USJ blown off? How not to have a student get hurt or even worse, killed?

"I don't know" He replies simply

Mhm.  'I don't know' my ass.

"Alright mister 'I don't know'. We're here" you say before placing Shota on the ground outside of UA.

He takes a second to get his legs used to being on the ground and you watch with a small smile.

His dumbass is so cute

He turns back to you hand smiles softly upon seeing the look on your face "Thank you so much Y/n...I really really appreciate you flying me here" He says sincerely.

"No need to thank me Sho. But  you better hurry up or your gonna be late for the meeting" You say as you look up into his eyes.

"Your right I should get going" He says, scratching the back of his head nervously as he looks down at you.

You become very aware of how close you two are standing and it makes you feel nervous for some reason. You catch his eyes looking at your lips and a smile splay's on your face. You reach up and grab his face gently before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Goodbye Shota" you say with a small laugh.

"Right...Cya" he says with his face completely flushed before walking away quickly.

You take off into the air towards your apartment with your new found energy. As you soar through the sky you make the decision to patrol in the area near the USJ just to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Authors note- I hope I can successfully rip all of your hearts out in the next chapter/chapters (: And for those of you that read my Mafia Aizawa fic you MIGHT be getting a new chapter soon.

(Also I've gotten into the habit of not re-reading my shit so if there's any choppy sentences or grammar mistakes that's why)

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