22- You excited?

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Authors note- The Keigo x reader fic is no longer just a concept, it's now something I'm currently working on(:

"Do you need anything before I leave? I might be able to make you a quick dinner if you tell me now" you say as you tie up your boots.

"I'm good, thank you though" Keigo responds as he watches you quickly lace up your boots. You have it down to a science and he thinks it's really impressive.

"Alright. You can stay here for a long as you want. And if you need anything and I have it, please help yourself." You say as you stand up, grabbing your utility belt from the couch.

"Thank you Y/n...And I'll probably stick around a little longer" He says with a small smile. He looks exhausted and you can tell he's reaching his limit for how long he can keep that smile on his face.

"Also if you get tired and don't feel like flying home-" you say before he cuts you off.

"I know, take your bed so my wings don't break the coffee table" He says with a small laugh.

That's not the actual reason you have him sleep in your bed. The actual reason is because you know he never gets a good nights sleep and it gives you piece of mind having him sleep in your bed instead of the uncomfortable couch. It avoids him losing anymore sleep then he already does.

You smile softly at him and ruffle his hair "Cya Kei"

"Cya Bird" he smiles, his eyes are soft as he looks up at you.

You grab your AirPods and phone from the coffee table and walk out onto the balcony, closing the door behind you and taking off quickly into the night sky.

The flight is quiet, music playing in your ears as you flew above buildings. The ground below blurring together, painting beautiful pictures of neon lights and dark streets. The few people on the street flashed by quickly, so quickly you barley noticed them. It was so quiet out tonight, the air was warm and humid. It's the kind of weather you get just before a summer storm, even though it's early spring. It's probably not even considered spring yet. Is late march considered spring?

As you near the meeting spot your heart starts to flutter and your stomach twists anxiously.

Why am I getting anxious? Shawty you good?

Your feet touch the ground and you look around for Shota, who's no where to be seen.

"Eraser!" You call out as your eyes scan every inch of your surroundings.

Bro where is he?

You hear footsteps from behind you and you quickly look to the source. Its Aizawa. He walks sluggishly with two cups in his hands that you assume is coffee or something to keep him up through the night. But why would he get two, wouldn't it be a pain to carry them both around?

"I got us something to drink" He says in a monotone voice as he walks up to you.

"Oh, thank you" you say with a smile. He stretches out his arm and you look at the cup in his hand. "Is this boba?" You say, your eyes lighting up as you stare at the drink.

"Yeah. The coffee place I went to also had it, and I knew that you'd drink boba so I got it for you" He explains. You take the cup from his hands and take a sip of the drink.

This shit is so good, oh my god.

"Is it good?" He questions

"It's really good" you reply with a smile

You both walk along the quiet streets in silence, neither of you feeling the need to fill the air with idle chit chat.

'Diluc, of mondstadt. Not interested in idle chit chat'

You sip on your drink as you focus on the feathers you sent out across the city. It's quiet in the area you are but you can't say the same for the rest of this place. Everything has seemed to be just out of reach of you and Aizawa. You thought about dragging Shota out of his patrol area a little to take care of the stuff that was literally just outside of it but, after some internal debate decided against it.

"You excited for the school year?" you remark with a lazy smile.

"No" Shota replies blankly. You let out a small laugh at his response and he glared at you.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad" you say with a smile

"You clearly have no idea what it's like to teach a bunch of unruly kids" He says, his jaw ticking at the mention of him teaching the kids.

"Your right, I don't. But maybe you could invite me to your class as a special guest, so I can understand why your upset about having to teach them" you suggest before taking a sip of your drink

"You'd only make it worse" he replies with a sigh

"Your no fun" you whine

"Shut up" he deadpans. You bite back a laugh and continue down the street.

Authors note- I'm sorry this is a really short chapter. I've had no motivation to do anything recently but I wanted to get a chapter out in hopes that it will  give me the energy to do shit. (Also The Keigo fic I'm working on might be released soon but there is a chance that I wait until I have a few chapters established)

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