36- Zipper

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Authors note- Thank you all for 9k, it makes me so happy that this story has grown so much, and I love seeing you all interact with it. And for how neglected this story is, it's genuinely surprising that this book still gets an traction.

"Sho Sho" A women's voice coo's from across the room. You look over to the source and fight back a smile when you realize it's Midnight. "Are you finally going home?" She pauses and looks at you "oh, and is she taking you home?" She questions, a sly look on her face.

"I'm not going home" he replies shortly, before waddling over to the seating area on the left side of the room. It's three couches that all face the same glass coffee table.

"So stubborn" Midnight shakes her head. She looks back over to you and her eyes widen "Birdie, what happened to your wings" She questions, genuine concern in her voice.

"The USJ happened, it's alright though, they'll grow back soon" You say, a small smile on your face.

She walks over to you and stands at your side, examining your back. She moves you with her hand so your back is mostly facing her. "Oh, this must have hurt" She says, tracing her finger softly around the base of what's left of your wings "You poor girl" She coo's.

You fight back a shiver, and bite down on your lip. What's left of your wings is incredibly sensitive, and the way she's talking to you, her voice, it's just...

One chance please, I promise I'll be worth your time. You think to yourself, laughing a little at your own remark.

"Stop trying to fuck her" Shota says from across the room.

"I forgot, she's yours" Midnight says with a smile

"Stop cock blocking Sho" You say, glaring at him.

Midnight giggles from beside you and a smile forms on your face.

"Don't say that, he'll kill me" She says

You let out a small laugh at her comment.


Be so incredibly for real, don't start with that simp shit.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, I've got a class to teach" Midnight says with a smile before making her way out.

"Was your comment necessary" You say to Shota, a smile on your face as you speak.

"It was" He says

"And why is that?" You question, walking over to him.

He doesn't respond, instead choosing to focus on the ball of yellow fabric on the floor. He messes with it, and the thing unrolls, but he doesn't make any progress besides that.

"Do you want help?" You question

"I've got it" He says as he continues to struggle with the bag, making zero progress at all.

"Shota, let me help you angel" You say softly.

You pick up the bag and unzip it. You then lay it out on the couch for him, nodding at it when you see him standing there just staring at you.

"I could have gotten it" He huffs

"Whatever you say man" You say as you watch him lay down on the sleeping bag. You walk back over to him and proceed to zip it up around him, stopping when you get to his face, you smile at him and he gives you a questioning look.

"What?" He questions

"Nothing" you smile, before zipping it up again, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead before you close the zipper completely. You watch as he tries to bury his face in the sleeping bag, desperate to hide how red his checks are.

"Gets some rest Sho" You say, a soft smile on your face.

You watch as he closes his eyes, a peaceful look on his face. Not much time goes by before he's claimed by sleep, a soft snore emitting from the within the fellow fabric.

Authors note- I'm alive, also, this is my shortest chapter yet I think, so I'm sorry about that

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