21- Chicken and rice

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SHAWTY BAES. How would you guys feel if I made a Keigo x reader fic? It would be the same reader and backstory as this fic but without Aizawa. (Kinda like an Au or something) It would be a SLOW burn of Keigo and the reader growing up together and everything after that. I'm republishing this chapter just to add this because I really really like the idea and I wanted to get a second opinion. I like writing Keigo and you guys seem to enjoy it whenever he's present.

"Keigo!" You Shout as you step through the door.
His head shoots up from the couch and he stares at you.

"Why are you coming through the front door?" He questions as he sits up all the way.

"I drove" you say as you set your stuff down.

"Nice outfit" Keigo remarks with a sly grin.

You ignore his comment and focus your attention on the cat that just ran over to you. He meows at you as he rubs against your legs, purring loudly.
"Hi sweet boy" You coo at Fynn. His head lifts and his eyes meet yours, standing up on his hind legs and rubbing against your hand as you scratch his head.

"Your nicer to that cat then you are to anyone else" Keigo says as he walks over to you.

"Because I like him more then anyone else" you say as you pet Fynn. You crouch down and the cat continues to rub against you.

"Don't tell your boyfriend that. He might get jealous" Keigo snickers

"Just cause I slept with him doesn't mean he's my boyfriend" You say as you look up at Keigo.

"Sure" Keigo reply's

"Okay, then by that logic where dating" you say.

"I'm not opposed to that" He smirks

You stand up and pay him no mind as you look in your fridge and grab a can of Arizona tea.

"Did you take some Advil" you question as you dig through your cabinet for cat food.

"Yeah" Keigo reply's as he sits at one of the stools behind the counter.

"Have you drank or eaten anything?" You say as you open the bag of cat food, Fynn rubbing against your legs frantically as he waits for you to fill his bowl.

"I had a bottle of water earlier" He says as he watches you pour cat food into Fynns bowl.

"Are you my mom or something?" Keigo says, as he scrolls through his phone

"Mommy" you correct him. He lets out a small laugh and continues to scroll through his phone.

You grab a water bottle from the fridge, cringing from how cold it is before setting it down in the counter in front of Keigo. "What do you want to eat" you ask as you grab your phone and plug it in.

"Chicken and rice please" Keigo says

"Okay" you reply.

You finish making the food and make two plates for you and keigo, setting them both down on the counter before you take a seat on one of the stools. You and Keigos wings brush against each other's causing both of you to subconsciously shake your wings.

"So how was last night" He asks

"It was good" you reply as you take a bite of your food.

"Was he better then me?" He questions with a grin.

"I don't know. I can't really say yet" you reply blankly

"No one can be better then me" Keigo says proudly before taking a bite of his food.

You two eat your food in comfortable silence, outside of when Keigo yelled at Fynn to stop trying to eat his chicken. You loved being able to just sit down an relax with Keigo. But something was ruining this for you and it was a thought that refused to leave your mind.

"Kei..." you say softly. He hums in response and looks at you with a worried look in your eyes. He can tell that whatever your about to say isn't good.

"I umm...I told Shota my uh, my actual name" you say softly, refusing to look over at Keigo.

"Are you serious?" He questions softly

"Yeah" you say, petrified of how he's gonna react.

"Are you shiting me?" Keigo sighs. You don't respond, putting a bite of food in your mouth to avoid having to speak.

"You stupid bitch" He scolds quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

There's an uncomfortable silence that surrounds the two of you. Neither of you saying anything and the only sound present is the sound of silverware hitting the plates.

"Do you think he'll tell people about it?" Keigo questions softly

"No, I don't think so. Although I can't prove he won't" you reply softly

"Alright, I trust your judgment" he says

"Thank you" you say with a small smile

"I love you Kei" you say softly

"I love you to Y/n" A smile present on his face.

You both continue eating, talking about random things that pop into your minds. After you both eat you take the plates and rinse them off in the sink, placing them in the dishwasher and closing it with a click.

"Do you feel any better?" You ask as you open another can of Arizona tea

"I do, thank you. I don't think I'd have made it if it wasn't for you" He exclaims dramatically.

"I'm glad I could help" you say with a small laugh.

"Do you have patrol tonight?" He questions


"Aren't you excited to see Aizawa" keigo smirks

"Hush" you reply quickly. Keigo laughs at your response and you glare at him.

The day goes by and Keigo doesn't leave your apartment, he sits on your couch scrolling through his phone as you sit on the floor in front of the coffee table, controller in hand. Sighing softly because every fucking artifact roll is dog shit.

"I hate Genshin sometimes" you groan.

Keigo laughs at you "You haven't even gotten a single usable piece"

"I knowww. And I'm out of resin" you whine

"Maybe you should give up on building Diluc" he says

"Never. You can't have a better build on him then me" you reply

"I'm a Diluc main, of course my builds gonna be better. You should focus on your dog shit Miko build" He says

"Leave my Miko build alone" you say as you look back at him

"You have four piece wanders on her...I'm not gonna leave you alone about it" He says, placing his phone down on the coffee table.

"She scales off EM though" you reply

"Then give her two piece wanders and two piece thundering fury" he says

"I don't wanna farm it though" you whine

"Oh my god, your impossible" Keigo sighs

"Love you too" you say as you turn your attention back to the tv

Authors note- I'm sure most of you won't understand the Genshin Impact part but I've been building some characters in it and I've made zero progress. While writing half of this chapter I was farming artifact domains so that why that was included. (Also to the people who do okay Genshin who do you main?"

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