15- Dove

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I open the door and step into the bar, dim lights and wooden interior give it an old vibe. Definitely not a place I would except Keigo to go to, this place seems to calm for him.

"Dove" A voice chirps from across the bar. I look to the source of the voice and it's keigo, he waves me over to the table and I quickly make my way to it.

"Hi" I say as I stand In front of the table, I can't think straight so words are not wording right now.

"Hi, I'm Kayama, it's so nice to meet you" A woman with deep purple hair and beautiful blues eyes says happily. She pats the the spot next to her and I take a seat in the booth. I bite back the internal scream and try my best to act natural. It's so hard though, she's so pretty and I just...I don't know man I just can't.

"Your friend Hawks has told me some pretty interesting things about you" Kayama coos

"He has?" I question.

I'm gonna deep fry his bitch ass.

"Yep" she says with a smile "He told me about you and Sh-"

"Nemuri!" A man snaps. I look to the source of the voice and it's a man with long blonde hair and glasses, he's sitting next to Hawks and after a few seconds I recognize him. It's Present Mic, he's good friends with Shota. "I'm sorry about her, she's drunk" he says with a soft smile.

"It's okay" I say with a small laugh

"It's nice to see you again, well... I've met you when you where unconscious. Does that count as meeting someone" he says

"It probably counts" I say

"Good" he says with a smile

"Soooo, what's your name pretty bird" Kayama coos as she rests her hand in her plan

How did I not realize how drunk she was, I can usually tell at a first glance. And also...pretty bird... I should hate it....but I kinda don't.

Not as good as Kitty...



"My names Dove" I say calmly

She looks at me with a puzzled expression before speaking again "Thats your hero name though? I wanted to know your actual name. Or are they the same thing?" She asks

"Kinda" I say. She digests the information and looks at the table with a confused face , clearly unsatisfied with my answer.

"Ooooh, is it the same situation as Hawks?" She questions

"Yeah" I say with a small smile

I hate the name conversation

"Oooooo, okay. That makes sense" her face looks much more content now, I guess she liked that answer.

"Is Aizawa alive? What happened to him" Keigo says with a laugh

"He probably left" Yamada chuckles

"Shotas here?" I question, a small smile fighting it's way onto my face.

"You guys are on a first name basis" Kayama says with an excited look "He must really like her" she says as she looks at Yamada.

"I'm not surprised, she seems sweet. At least from all the interviews I've seen, and meeting her in person" he says

I look at Keigo, unsure of what to say. I'm not socially awkward, I just don't know how to handle social situations sometimes. And when I can't Keigo always helps me.

"You guys talk about her like she's not sitting right here" Keigo says with his signature smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, it's a habit of ours" Kayama says with an apologetic smile

"It's okay, don't sweat it" I say with a smile

My mind dwells onto the comment of him disappearing. Did he find out I was coming and decided to leave, did I ruin his night. Do I annoy him that much...that's gotta he it.

"I'm surprised he hasn't come back yet, especially now that Doves here. He got all dressed up after he found out she was coming" Yamada says with a smile plastered on his face.

Never mind, I didn't ruin his night.


He got dressed up for me?

"He barely agreed to come before he found out Dove was gonna be here" Kayama says with a wide smile as she talks to Yamada. I feel my face heat as they talk.

Keigo smirks at me when he sees the look in my eyes. I pout as I meet his eyes and he laughs at me.

"I'm sorry for not asking sooner but what would you like to drink, all of us have had at least one drink and you haven't had anything" Yamada asks as he stands up.

"She doesn't drink" Keigo says, his signature smile still in his face. It always is in public.

"Then why'd she come here, that can't be any fun for her" Yamada says with a concerned look.

"He drags me out to bars constantly. I'm used to it" I say as I glance at Keigo.

"Don't look at me like that, your good company" Keigo pouts

"No. Your just a bad drunk and you need a chaperone" I state

Yamada and Kayama giggle as Keigo scowls at me.

"Now I definitely see why you and Sho get along so well" Kayama smiles.

The others continue to talk and laugh and I silently listen to the conversation, laughing at some of the dumb jokes. Out of the corner of my eye I see a man with raven hair walk towards the table, I look over and it's Shota.

I swear my jaw hits the floor as I shamelessly take in every detail of him. His hair is half up half down, he has on a white button up and black slacks along with black dress shoes. He also looks like he shaved his beard.

He gets to the table and smile at me before sliding into the booth, sitting right next to me. I smile wildly at him and he chuckles a little.

I'm so happy he's here. I don't even care that Kayamas sitting next to me anymore,  I'm just happy Shotas here.

That's some simp shit, careful babes.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence" Yamada tease's

"I think I might actually leave this time" Shota huffs as he takes a sip of the drink he has.

"You got yourself a drink but didn't get anything for us?" Keigo whines

"we literally sent you to get drinks" Kayama adds

"Oops, guess I forgot" Shotas voice is painfully monotone.

"I can go get the drinks" I offer sweetly

"Really, thank you. Your such a sweetheart. Unlike Mr. grumpy pants over here" Kayama pouts. I laugh at her nickname for Aizawa.

I turn to Shota and he stands up, allowing me to get out of the booth. "I'll come with you, since it's my fault you have to get the drinks" Shota says softly as he looks at me.

"You don't have to but okay, thank you" I say sweetly.

I figure out what everyone wants and walk towards the bar, Shota following closely being.

Author's note- This chapter is boring and was really only made as build up for the next few. I've gotta couple different ways this night will play out but I can't decide how to end it.

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