34- Heros license

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Authors note- Because people have started commenting on this story I have gotten a bit of motivation, so I'm writing another chapter. Also, I see your comments and I appreciate the ideas. (And to clear up any confusion, we haven't made it official with Shota yet, we haven't even said ily to each other)

"Cya Kei" You say as you step out onto the balcony, and despite your decision to wear long sleeves, the cold immediately hits you with an unforgiving sensation.

"Dude, where are you going?" Keigo questions from his spot on the floor. You look at him with a confused look, unsure of why he made that comment.

He was literally right there when I got the-


You immediately step back inside, closing the balcony door behind you and making your way to front door. Keigo bursts out into a fit of laughter, hitting the floor with his hand, and falling onto his side dramatically as he cackles at your error.

"Dumb bitch" You hear him giggle from the floor.

"Shut up" You spit as you walk out the door, although you can still hear his muffled laughter from outside of your apartment.

I'm gonna dox him if he keeps this shit up. You think to yourself as you make your way through the building, avoiding talking to anyone you see as you navigate your way to the parking garage.

You walk through the cold garage, the click of your boots echoing throughout it. You reach your car and unlock it, getting into it quickly and starting it up immediately. You pray that the car warms up quickly.

The drive there goes by quickly, your not even entirely sure how you made it to UA, but your glad you made it there in one piece.

You pull up to the gate and show them your hero license, the massive doors opening up after they confirm your identity. Being on the UA campus was always an experience, there were always people patrolling in the shadows, along with cameras placed everywhere, it was an uneasy feeling having so many eyes on you. But the good part about this place is how cool the main building looked, it was by far one of your favorite things about this place, because the beautiful edifice always left you in awe.

You get to the second gate and repeat the process of showing them your hero license and then they let you in, your car pulling in slowly as you try desperately to remember how to get to the parking spaces. You park your car and sit there for a sec, checking over your appearances in the mirror, and making sure you remember the exact process you need to do in order to check in as a visual. You finally get out of the car, immediately shivering as the cold air hits you.

I HATE, cold weather, with a passion.

You walk towards the side entrance doors, suppressing a shiver the whole time.

The automatic doors open in front of you and you speed walk your way into the place, a content sigh leaving your mouth once the warm air hits you.

"Hello Miss, what can I do for you" A woman's voice says from in front of you.

You put on your usual smile and walk over to the massive reception desk, where her and two other lady's are sitting.

"Hi, I was tasked with overseeing a class, could you by any chance sign me in and tell me where the class is" You say sweetly.

"Do you have a hero's license?" The woman asks.

"I do" you say as you fish it out of your wallet for the third time. The woman takes a look at it and her face immediately lights up.

"I knew you looked familiar" She beams "although I wasn't sure if it was actually you because, well.. you don't have any wings"

"I have a hard time recognizing myself without them as well" You say, fighting the urge to curl up into a ball because of how uncomfortable you are currently.

"DOVEEE" A loud voice shouts from your right.

Your head snaps in the direction of the voice, an angry look present on your face for a quick second.

That scared the shit outta me.

"I'm so glad your here" He says as he walks over to you.

"Soooo, I'm guessing your here to babysit Sho" He smiles

"Yep" You reply, an actual smile on your face now.

"Good luck, he's 10X grumpier today then usual, he's also in 10X more pain then usual"  Hizashi says. "I'm sure you guys know who she is, so can you sign her in for us and I'll take her to Aizawas classroom" He says to the lady behind the desk.

"Sure" She replies, a smile on her face as she begins typing on her computer.

"Thank you" You say to her.

"Your welcome" She says without looking up.

"Come on Dove" Hizashi calls from the hallway.

"Coming" You say as you catch up with him.

Their security is lacking, she barely even looked at my license, I feel like that will bite them in the ass one day.

Authors note- Short chapter, not proof reading, and also. Happy holidays(:

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