31-Slight pain

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The bright lights hurt your eyes as always, the white walls and sterile smell make you feel sick and miserable, but that's not your your main concern at the moment. No, your main concern is the presumably unconscious man that your about to go see, and mind you, it's all your fault he's like this. He's in this fucking hospital because of you. So it's safe to say that doesn't help your case.

The measured and in sync steps of you and your vermillion winged companion make you feel irritable and like your about to snap, everything is annoying you, even the smallest things. Like for example, the sound of your own damn footsteps, they are so unbearable you'd rather pull a Van Gogh and cut your fucking ear off then have to listen to them for another second. And you have zero clue why your so mad. That's a lie actually, you know exactly why your mad. You can't do sadness or guilt or anything like that so it always comes out in one of two ways. One, anger. Or two, you don't acknowledge it and it eventually leaves you alone, your default method being the latter. So your issue at the moment is your absolutely dog shit ability to deal with emotions, or for lack of a better word, your inability to deal with your own emotions.

The hallway your in starts to become sickeningly familiar, your eyes following down the wall of the corridor until they reach the room you think is Shotas, although your not entirely sure if your looking at the right room.

"His room is right up ahead" Keigo says quietly from beside you, his voice giving you a break from your own thoughts. Every noise around you becomes louder as you approach the door, the walls around you becoming smaller and making you feel trapped.

You two stop in front of Shotas door and neither of you say anything, your eyes are locked on the doors while Keigos are taking in every small thing you do. You can feel his eyes picking you apart, analyzing everything you do but you don't tell him to stop, you don't really care at the moment.

"You sure you can do this?" Keigo questions in a hushed tone.

"I'm sure" you say before placing your hand on the handle, the cool metal sending a chill down your spine that you fight to suppress. You push down on the handle and the door opens with a click, the sound of soft beeping becomes audible from the room.

You push the door open and step inside, the bright light from the window causing you to squint your eyes. The room is so bright, you feel like you just got hit with a flashbang. Your eye's adjust to the brightness and they immediately dart to Shotas bed, his black hair contrasting it's white surroundings.

You walk over to Shotas bed, your eye's immediately taking in every detail of him. His black hair is tangled and messy, draping messily over his face and pillow. The bandages around his face look freshly changed. His eyes are shut yet they still look uncomfortable.

"I'll leave you alone with him. Come get me if you need me" Keigo says from behind you.

"Okay" you respond, not bothering to look back at him.

You place your hand on Shotas leg before you drop to your knees, looking up from the scratchy comforter as you ball the fabric in your hand. 

Everything hurts

Your body coils as the pain from your back and ribs shoots through you, it's a debilitating, and crippling pain. You groan softly as your back pulses and twitches.

You feel a hard thump on your head, like you got lightly taped with a brick. You spin your head and are met with the now open eyes of the raven haired man.

"Sho" you squeak out almost inaudibly. Your throat becoming dry as the words leave your mouth.

"Y/n" His voice is raspy and groggy. It sounds painful for him to talk.

A warm, burning sensation immediately fills your eyes as you quickly blink back tears that you had no idea where about to spill.

You immediately push yourself off the bed and stand up straight, trying your best to put a blank expression on your face. Your hands fidget at your side as you struggle to figure out what to do with them.

"Sorry, my injuries where bugging me" you state, your hands now comfortably resting in your pockets.

"That looked like more then slight pain" He says, the rasp in his voice making it sound like his vocal cords where ripping.

"I promise it's nothing to worry about" you reply quickly "I'll go get a nurse for-"

"No, wait. I just wanna relax for a second. I don't wanna deal with the nurses right away" He interrupts


"Y/n please. I just wanna sit here with you for a minute" He says

"Alright" you say as you sit down at the chair by his bedside.

Authors note- Sorry I haven't been uploading at all. I've been trying to work in my fics but I'm having a super hard time writing more then a small paragraph at a time. I've tried working on feathers and have made no progress, I've tired working on kiss me, still no progress. And I've even tried working on a new fic and I still couldn't manage to get anything done. My updates are getting slower, shorter, and lower quality and for that I sincerely apologize.

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