30- Eat up

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Authors note- Listen to  ゆめうつつ By Lamp. It's a really soft song and it fits the vibe of this chapter (:

The early morning light peaks through your curtains, filling the room with a warm glow.
Your body melts in his warmth, a content hum leaving your lips as you bask in the feeling. His arms hold you close to him and his vermilion wings envelop both of you. It's so calm, so comforting. You trust Keigo enough to let him be this close to you, but something doesn't feel right, his arms don't feel as nice as usual, and you know exactly why.

You can't help but compare it to the way Shota held you. You wish you could kick the thought out of your head and just enjoy having someone with you, but as you lay in bed with the man you've known your whole life you can't help but compare him to that grumpy bastard.

I just woke up and I'm already thinking about him. What the fuck.

The man behind you stirs, his arms tightening around you as a soft hum comes from him. "Good morning birdie" He says sleepily

"Good morning Kei" you say

"How are you feeling?" He mumbles softly against your skin, his warm breath causing your skin to pebble with goose bumps.

"I feel okay, I just woke up so I haven't really had time to acknowledge it yet" You reply

He hums softly in response, his hand traveling to your forearm, his hand wraps around it and heats up your arm in the process. He snuggles up closer to you, his wings closing in on both of you and encasing you two in a warm cocoon.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast" Keigo asks.

"You don't have to" you say softly

"I want to" He says before pulling away from you, your body shivers at the lack of his warmth.


"Hush, you've got a long day ahead of you Y/n. Let me make it a little easier" He interrupts, a soft yet stern look on his face.

You give up on trying to protest the matter and watch as he walks out of the door, tucking his wings in when he walks through it. Your back flexes, attempting to mirror his actions but instead your met with a pain that makes you suck in a sharp breath.

This is bullshit

You pull yourself out of bed begrudgingly, wincing at the pain that shoots through your body and proceed to make your way out of your bedroom, a small cat almost tripping you multiple times in the process.

"Fynn, I can't walk if your under my feet" You say to the fuzzy creature that is looking up at you while purring wildly.

"Psst psst psst" Is heard from the kitchen along with the shake of a bag and Fynn immediately darts towards the source of the sound.

You walk down the hallway and let out a small laugh when you see Keigo feeding Fynn treats, the small cat swatting at Keis hand in an attempt to get him to drop the treats to the floor.

"Thank you for getting his attention" You say to the winged man

"No problem birdie" He says, never pulling his attention away from the cat that he has a love hate relationship with.

You walk your crippled ass over to the barstools next to the counter and make your way onto one, wincing when you apply to much weight to one side of your ribs.

"You alright?" Keigo questions

"I'm okay" you reply while petting Fynn, who had just jumped up into the counter. The tabby colored cat purring loudly and rubbing himself against every part of your body he could. " I know baby, I missed you too" You coo softly at him, he in response rubs his head against yours. You place a few quick kisses on Fynns head before retracting your face away from his, pulling off a piece of cat hair that had stuck to your lips.


"Whatcha gonna make for breakfast?" You question as you watch Keigo search through your fridge.

"That's a great question" He replies, his head still buried in the refrigerator. You stifle a small laugh at his response. Keigo looks over his shoulder and glares at you "Shut the fuck up before I let you starve" He says before going back to searching the fridge.

"Damn, I see how it is" You laugh "Next time your hurt I'll make sure to let you starve as you well". He doesn't dignify your taunts with a response so you give up on talking to him and start to stare blankly at the counter, sitting blissfully in the rare quietness of your mind.

My head is never this quiet. That monster must have hit my head in just the right spot or something.

"How do you feel about assorted fruit for breakfast" Keigo questions with a hint of sadness to his expression.

"That sounds good. And please don't feel bad for not being able to make me anything, I never have anything in the fridge so it's not your fault" You try to comfort him.

Some of the guilt fades from his expression and he smiles at you before pulling a bunch of random fruit from your fridge.

You watch him carefully as he washes all the fruit , making sure that all the fruit is just the right texture and firmness before cutting each one with precision. He places each fruit in separate bowls and places them on the counter in front of you before taking a seat next to you.

"Eat up birdie" He says with a smile.

Authors note- I'm writing this before I even write the actual chapter but I just wanted to come on here and say, HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THE NEW AIZAWA OFFICIAL ART. He is literally so fine it fucking hurts, I would let this man BREED me, like it's not even funny at this point. I don't even want kids but I'd have his if he wanted me to

 I don't even want kids but I'd have his if he wanted me to

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