7- Company

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Authors note- sorry for randomly editing this. I made a massive fucking mistake that I'm somehow just noticing.

I stumbled onto my balcony and fumbled with the keys. I managed to get the door unlocked and I stumbled into my apartment, I took my utility belt off and walked to my bedroom. I was in fact not okay for the rest of the night...I am anything but okay. Everything was fine until that one dude, he noticed my arm was hurt and targeted it. He ended up digging his knife into the cut and slicing it open even more. Now my entire arm is covered in blood (some of its not mine) and the bandages that Aizawa did for me are completely messed up.

I'm so fucking mad. Stupid piece of shit villain.

I don't wanna take a shower, I really really don't but I'm disgusting and I can't get in bed like this. But I'm tired and I could just wash the sheets and clean the wound tomorrow.

Take a shower you filthy pig.

I walked towards the bathroom,taking my shirt off and throwing it onto the bathroom counter before taking my boots and my pants off. I reached into the shower and turned it to the hottest I could handle. I stepped in and winched as the steaming hot water hit my skin, my chest feels like it's melting from how hot this water is. I took care of my hair first and then I reached for the body wash. I lathered myself with soap, a small whine escaping my lips as the soap and hot water hit the open wound.

This shit HURTS.

I finished rinsing the wound and dropped to the floor, tucking my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees. The hot water pounded down on me as I sat there, to exhausted to stand. It didn't matter how awake I was or how much energy I had. It was always to much for me to stand in showers, it took everything out of me for some reason. My mind went over everything that happened tonight, focusing on anything that involved Aizawa. In all honesty I was more mad that the villain messed up the bandages Aizawa did then the fact that he ripped my arm open.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever thought. Actually that's a lie, but it's pretty close.

That aside, no matter how boring the actual patrol was, having Aizawa there was kinda nice. I don't usually enjoy having people around unless it's keigo but even he gets annoying. I'm sure Aizawa will end up the same way but maybe he won't.

I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around me as I made my way out of the bathroom and into my closet. I picked out a pair of sweatpants and put on a sports bra. I lazily made my way out of the closet and layed down on the messy un-made bed, sleep consuming me almost instantly.

I woke up to an obnoxious noise, although for once it wasn't my alarm clock, it was someone pounding on my front door.

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" a voice shouts from the front door.


I begrudgingly get out of bed and make my way to the front door.

"Coming" I shout sleepily. The knocking stops so I guess he heard me.

I get into the living room and spot Fynn puffed up and starring at the door. His head snaps as he notices me and he runs over to me, his body language switching from agitated to content almost instantly.

"It's just keigo" I say softly to the cat as I walk to the door and unlock it.

"Come in" I shout as I walk over to the kitchen and grab something from the fridge to wake me up. Fynn jumps up onto the top of the cabinets so he can observe whoever comes inside.

"Heyo" keigo says as he walks through my door "I brought company"

My head snaps to the door immediately, I stare at it with wide eyes waiting to see who steps into my house.

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