29- Hospital bed

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"Almost there, you can do it" He says softly . You bite your lip, trying not to let a whimper escape your mouth.

"Trying to walk with broken ribs sucks, I hate this" You groan quietly as you and Keigo make your way towards Shotas room.

Keigo had his arm lightly wrapped around your waist as he guided you to where Shota was, it was nice to have him do that, it helped with your nerves a little. Although if you where  being completely honest you where still panicking, petrified to see the state that Shota was in. Keigo had warned you before you got out of your room that Shota didn't look to good but you didn't know the full extent. You where scared to see the evidence of your failure, the evidence left behind from the fight you couldn't protect him in.

"We're here" Keigo says softly, his face twisted into a worried expression.

You stare at the door in front of you with a blank expression, not even giving any emotion the chance to show on your face.

It's alright sweetheart, you can do this. You think to yourself. Since you where little you had gotten into the habit of comforting yourself, no matter how unhealthy it seemed it was something that you couldn't stop doing because you had done it for so long.

"Are you sure you wanna do this" Keigo says from beside you, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.

"I'm sure" You say with a soft smile, a pathetic attempt to ease Keigo's worries.

Keigo extends his hand and wraps his fingers around the cold metal handle, pushing it down slowly with a click. He slowly opens the door, no noise coming from the heavy hospital door. He leaves the door partially open before checking on you one last time.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" He questions

"Kei, I'll be fine" you whisper "although I think it's be easier if I did this by myself" Keigos expression becomes even more concerned then it already was but you don't give him time to protest, you slip through the doorway and close the door softly, your face turned towards the door even after it clicks shut.

You push down the feelings you can't quite name or understand and turn towards the hospital bed, your eyes immediately locking onto it and the man laying motionless in it. You walk with measured steps, your eyes never leaving the bed and it's contents as you approach it.

You stand next to the bed, looking down at the man laying in it with an apathetic look, even if that's the farthest thing from how your feeling, or at least how you should be feeling. Your not sure what you feel, you know you should feel sad, to see the man you care for so deeply wrapped up in bandages, hooked up to machines and laying in a hospital bed, something like that would make anyone sad, it'd make them cry, it'd make them sob. You couldn't focus on emotions though, in all honesty you where half convinced he was dead. If it wasn't for the machines steady beeping you'd swear he wasn't alive, he was so still, so lifeless.

"Shota" You whisper, your voice barely audible. Saying his name brought you an odd sense of comfort, it was a name that had left your lips more times then you'd like to admit. You bite down on your lip, afraid that if you don't distract yourself you'll cry.

How did this happen, how could I let this happen. I couldn't protect him and now look at him. All I had to do was keep him away from that giant monster and that man covered with hands and I couldn't do it.

At the thought of the blue haired man your enveloped in an instant sense of anger. Your hand wraps around the rail on the hospital bed, your Knuckles aching as your grip the cold metal as hard as you can.

What you'd give to get your hands on that piece of shit, you wanted to hurt him, you wanted to put him in as much pain as he Put Shota in, as much distress as Keigo was in, and you wanted to make him feel as hopeless as you felt. You wanted to ruin him, you wanted to break him completely.

You look at Shota, taking in every detail of him while you chew on your bottom lip. His hair is no longer soaked in blood, his soft black hair framing his face the way it always does. He doesn't look peaceful, he looks uncomfortable, even in his unconscious state and it makes your heart ache. All of his visible body is wrapped up in bandages making him look like a mummy, it's to the point that if he didn't have his signature hair you probably wouldn't have recognized him.

You instinctively go to take feathers from your wings to try to heal him or ease his pain but instead of soft white feathers floating past you, your met with a painful flex from your back, instantly reminding you that you don't have your wings. You blink quickly, your skin crawling at the reminder that you don't have your wings, you feel incomplete without them and you hate it.

You let your eyes wander around the room, the white sterile walls reminding you of your childhood, you can't stand it, you hate hospitals, they are miserable places. You decide that your done being in this hospital. You'll come back to see Shota, but you can't spend another second here today.

You take one more look at Shota, allowing your eyes to rest comfortably on the bandaged face of the man you care for, the man you have grown to love.

"I love you Sho" You whisper, placing a soft kiss on his bandaged forehead before turning on your heels and walking quickly out of the door. You shut the door behind you and instantly hear Keigo speak from beside you.

"How'd it go" He questions, his golden eyes looking at you with a worried look.

"It went okay, just a little awkward" You say with a small smile

"That's better then it going bad" He says, pushing his body away from the wall so he's no longer leaning on it. You two lock eyes, both of you instantly pick up on how uncomfortable both of you are.

Keigo steps closer to you and you wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. He quickly wraps his arms around you, placing his below yours. "I don't wanna be in this damn hospital anymore Kei, I wanna go home" You whisper desperately.

"Y/n, you need to stay in the hospital so they can make sure your okay" He replies softly, his smooth voice enveloping you.

"Kei I can't take it, I need to go home. I can't stay here any longer" You plead quietly.

He sighs softly, tightening his arms a little before speaking again "Fine, I'll have them check you out and then I'll take you home" He says

"Thank you" You say, pulling your face away from his neck and giving him a soft smile. He smiles back at you, his heart aches a little less as he looks into your tired eyes.

Authors note- I finally reached my normal word count again. Also this stupid fanfic is almost at 3k and I'm so happy about it, you have no idea how much it means to me that you guys took the time to read this damn thing. Ily all and take care of yourselves<3

Also I'm not proof reading this because I'm lazy so if there are any spelling mistakes or sentences that make zero sense that's why.

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