8- Hoppers cafe

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This chapter will have slight spoilers for the vigilantes series but it's nothing that will completely ruin that series if you haven't read it yet (and if you haven't read it yet I suggest you do. It gives a lot of insight to how Aizawa was before the main story of mha)

Edit- Also MAJOR spoilers for Aizawas backstory (chp 255 main story and chp 59 for vigilantes series)


The book hit the wall with a loud thud before it feel to the ground.

"Oh my gawwwd" I whined, my voice becoming scratchy at the last word. I was reading a book I had gotten and then the main character got pregnant.

I don't fuck with that shit. That kinda stuff ruins good story's 99% of the time. I've only ever seen it done properly by one author.

I roll outta bed and walk into the main room. The sun shining brightly through the windows. I walk to the couch and sit down, pulling my phone out and turning it on.

I wonder if keigo will let me patrol with him today, I've got nothing to do and I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company. But then again I go back to work tomorrow...And do I really wanna spend my Saturday working.

My thoughts are interrupted by a notification. I look down at my phone and click on the text.

Patrol is slowwwww today
         Damn, imaging having patrol today. Loser
Don't be a bitch about it. I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me but clearly your in a shitty mood.
                 Okay, well enjoy your patrol birdie
I take it back

Meet me at that one coffee place down in Naruhata
                                                            Sent 12:00

I walked back to my room and searched for my hero costume. I found it and started putting it on, walking into the bathroom as I clipped my utility belt on. I did all the necessary stuff in the bathroom before walking over to my balcony and opening the door. The cold air hit me and I immediately closed the door.

Maybe I should go with long sleeves today.

I changed my top and made my way out onto the balcony again. I pull out my AirPods and put one in my ear before turning on my phone and opening my playlist. I put my stuff back in my pockets and took off into the air.

I look down at the city below me, the streets where really busy and the people looked like little ants from where I was.

I would hate to have to walk the streets. Thank god I've got wings.

I got to Naruhata pretty quickly and flew in the direction of the coffee place. It was a hole in the wall kinda place called Hoppers cafe and I I'm pretty sure it used to be a recycle shop. But that aside they have good coffee and the owners are really sweet. I think they actually used to be villains but they turned their life around, and they hire villains who are trying to change their lives. Which is really sweet. It's nice seeing people trying to change their lives for the better.

I reach the coffee shop and land on the street In front of the cafe and take in my surroundings. It's a low rise building. The front has a little over hang and a big sign above that says Hoppers cafe. It's kinda run down but it's not horrible looking. It's the kinda place me and keigo would have never known existed if we weren't told to do surveillance here a little while back when this place first opened. The commission was scared there was some secret villain operation going on here so they had us check the place out for a while. It wasn't a villain operation, it was just three dudes running a cat cafe.

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