16- subtle support

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I got to the bar and ordered everyone's drinks, Shota helping me out when I forgot what Yamada ordered.

As we sat on the stools waiting for the drinks I looked around the room, I HATE bars. I hate alcohol and I absolutely despise drunk people. I fucking hate them. I have absolutely no clue how Keigo has dragged me out to so many bars, I really don't.

"You seem thrilled to be here" Shota remarks with a lazy smile.

I scoff in response "How'd you know, this is my favorite place ever. I absolutely adore it" I deadpan.

"I'm surprised you showed up" Aizawa says as he looks at me.

"So am I" I say

"You should get dressed up more often, you look good" I say with a small smile. He looks at me with a confused look on his face. He lowers his head trying to bury himself in his scarf but quickly realizes he doesn't even have it on.

"Thanks" He says softly, completely avoiding eye contact "you look good too...The dress is really nice" He says, a nervous undertone to his voice.

"Thank you" I say with a smile before turning my attention to the bartender who came back with the drinks.

We get the drinks and take them back to the table, I make sure all my steps are perfect so I don't drop the drinks. As we get to the table we set the drinks down and take our seats, Shota scooting in closer then necessary.

Not that I'm complaining.

Girl....Stop it, get some help.

"Thanks for getting the drinks" Keigo says happily as he takes a sip of his drink "I hope you enjoyed your scary dog privileges"

I look at him with a raised eyebrow, confused at his last remark.

"Aizawa went with you. Scary dog" Keigo says

"He's not that scary" I say.

"He must be really different around you then" Yamda mumbles with a grin on his face

"Shut up Hizashi" Aizawa spits before sipping his drink

"See, he's a sweetheart" I say.

Yamda laughs "definitely"

"If it weren't for him I would have had to drag you off some unconscious dudes body" Keigo remarks

"No you wouldn't" I say

"Whatever you say birdie" Keigo says, taking another sip from his drink.

The others talk in endless streams as me and Aizawa sit there quietly, listening to what they have to say. Aizawas gotten up to get everyone new drinks multiple times and everyone is shitfaced. Even Shotas drunk.

Can I go home yet. Please?

After a while Yamada and nemuri leave and are shortly followed by Keigo, it's now only me and Shota.

Aizawa stands up and uses the table for subtle support. "I'm gonna go home" he says as he looks down at me. "You should probably head home as well" he says

"Alright, would you like me to drive you home?" I question softly as I stand up

"No I'm good" He says

"Please, you've had a good amount to drink and I just wanna make sure you get home safe" I say, looking up to him with soft eyes.

"Dove, I'll be okay" he says softly

"Please" I whine

"Fine" he sighs and I smile at him.

Once we are in my car he tells me where he lives and I plug it into my gps, double checking with him that I have the right address.

The drive to his house is quiet, soft music playing in the background as I navigate the streets. I look over at his hand resting on his thigh and I want to hold it, I really want to.

But you cant. So stop thinking of it.

We get to an apartment complex and we get out of the car.

"Let me walk you up to your apartment, please" I say

"You don't need to babysit me Dove, I'll be okay" he says softly as he looks down into my eyes.

"I know, I just wanna make sure your okay. I'm sorry if I'm being invasive" I say

"It's okay. Follow me" he says as he makes his way towards the lobby.

After navigating through the lobby and getting into the elevator we are now standing here in complete silence, but not a comfortable silence. It's obvious that both of us want to say something but just can't. I go to put my hands in my pockets but quickly realize I don't have any.

Damnit, stupid dress.

"You don't seem like the type to get all dressed up for a simple bar visit" I say as I look over at Shota

"I don't usually" He says

"What's the special occasion?" I question. He doesn't say anything.

"Why'd you get dressed up? Judging from your hero costume you don't seem like the type to get dressed up either" He says, his eyes traveling down my body before quickly returning to my face.

"No reason" I say quickly

"Sure. I definitely believe that" He says, his stares intense. "Either way you look pretty"

My mouth drops open slightly and I stare up at him, unsure what to say.

Say thank you dumbass. Don't just stare at him like a deal in headlights. What's wrong with you? Can't handle a complement? You can any other time. What's so different about this time?

The elevator dings and we both look at the doors.

"Thankyou" I mutter incoherently as we walk down the long hallway. I hear him chuckle beside me from my pathetic attempt at a thank you.

We reach the door to his apartment and I watch as he digs a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door.

"Do you want to come in for some coffee or something?" He says as he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Sure" I chirp happily as I walk into his apartment with him

Author's note- okay so I know this is a short chapter and it's mostly just filler but I wanted to write something but I didn't at the same time. Soooo, I just wrote something short. I'm planning on updating the mafia Aizawa fic and this one tomorrow but I can't promise anything(: (Also, HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC. It's been doing really well recently and I love seeing people interact with this fic and take the time to read it)

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