33- Four big guys

396 14 7

Authors note- I live
Also I advise that towards the end of the chapter you play the song "4 big guys" By digbar <3

You groan, your entire body is stiff, and your back hurts like hell.

That's what I get for passing out on the couch.

You sit up begrudgingly and look around your house, it's empty and warm, just the way you like it. You drag your hands down your face, before scratching at the spit stain you discovered on your cheek. You are now disgusted with yourself but opt to forget that ever happened.

The pitter patter of small footsteps can be heard from the hallway, and you smile softly knowing that your about to see your entire world walk around the corner.

The furry little monster peaks his little head around the corner and your face lights up as he runs over to you, rubbing up on your legs and purring loudly.

"Hi my sweet boy" you coo, watching as the cat jumps up onto the couch and rubs up against your body, his little paws squishing your legs.

"My Sweet boy" you coo as Fynn rubs his head against your forehead. You place a kiss on the cats head before he curls up on your lap, still purring as he drifts off to sleep.

You sit there scrolling mindlessly on your phone, suppressing the occasional laugh, so you don't wake up the sleeping cat in your lap

I can't believe they buffed doomfist, I'm gonna quit the damn game. You think angrily as you read over patch notes for a game you play.

Your pulled from your thoughts when there's a knock at your door, causing you to immediately look up from your phone.

You look back down at your phone, feeling Fynn stir awake in your lap as you read the time.  7:07

Who the fu-

"Doveeeeeeee" A voice calls from behind the door, this causes Fynn to immediately jump out of your lap and run towards the door.

"Come in" you reply, your voice doesn't sound quite right because it's the first time you've spoken all morning.

You lean your head back against the couch as you listen to the door unlock, the sound of the click wakes up a little for some unknown reason.

"Heyo" Keigo chirps as he shuts the door behind him.

"Hi" you say, looking over at him with tiers eyes.

"I brought breakfast" He says, setting the plastic bag on the table before walking over to you.

"Thank you Kei, you didn't have to" You say, still not moving from your place on the couch.

"Well I wanted to" He says. He's now standing over you, looking down at you with his stupid smile on his face. "You look like death"

You laugh a little at his comment and smile up at him "I just woke up"

"Do you haven't taken your meds?" He questions

"No, I haven't. I haven't even moved at all this morning" You answer. A pout forms on his face before he makes his way over to your kitchen counter, quickly grabbing the bottle of pills off the counter and holding them in the air.

He shakes the bottle with a look on his face that can only be described as an impatient single mother, waiting on her stubborn child to do as she asks. "Come on" He says

You sluggishly rise from the couch and trudge over to the failed science experiment, snagging the bottle from his hand and turning on the sink. You put your mouth next to the stream of water, taking a bit of the lukewarm liquid in your mouth, and then taking your prescribed dose. Swallowing the water and the pills in one gulp.

"Why not just grab a water bottle from the fridge?" Keigo says

"Didn't feel like it" you reply blankly "Thanks for reminding me to take them" you say, although your voice is almost to monotone to allow your thank you to do it's intended purpose.

You rummage through the bag that Keigo brought, inspecting the box of doughnuts you found, while Keigo messes with the tv. He's standing there with the posture of a little kid as he points the remote straight at the tv, clicking a random assortment of buttons.

You watch him mess with the tv, a grin creeping onto his face as he hatches his master plan that your sure he's come up with.

"Four big guys....

Keigo smiles wildly at you as those words play from the tv. You immediately smile back at him and prepare to belt the lyrics.




You and Keigo sing as you dance poorly around the house, the music blasting in the background.

"HE LICK MY DICK AND THE CUM START SPRAYIN" Keigo sings with a massive grin on his face. You burst out laughing at his antics.

"CHARGING UP MY DICK IMA GO SUPER SAYIN" You sing back, entertaining his antics.

You both sing the lyrics that you've managed to memorize by heart, massive smiles etched onto your faces.

You feel your phone ring in your pocket, still laughing as you hear Kei belt out the lyrics.

"Kei, pause the music" You say with a grimace

He looks up at you and pauses the music, a confused look on his face.

"It's the president" You say, his smile instantly drops at the mention of her.

"Hello" you say as you answer the phone

"Y/n. You need to go down to UA high, now." She states, leaving no room for you to voice your own opinion. "Eraserhead showed up to the school this morning and refuses to leave. So we figured it'd be best to have someone supervise him, for the day. And because of his normal attitude we decided it'd be best to have you do it, because you  deal with him on a daily basis and know how to handle him better then most."

"Why is he even at UA?" You question.

"Because he doesn't seem to value his health, or the safety of his students. He can't even protect his students right now, he's useless. Which is another reason we need you there" She says, papers can be heard ruffling in the background before she speaks again "we need you there by...8:30, and no later, do you understand"

"I understand ma'am" you reply

"Good" she says before hanging up

You sigh heavily and look over at Keigo. He gives you a sympathetic look.

Authors note- THANK YOU ALL SM FOR 5K. GOD I LOVE YOU ALL SM. Also sorry I've been inactive, I have ran out of ideas on how to get this story going again, and I'm still suffering from having absolutely zero motivation.
(Also as always I didn't proof read this, because I'm to lazy , so sorry for shit spelling, grammar, etc.)

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