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The rest of the day went by painfully slow. Every minute seemed to last forever and it was killing you.

You pulled out your phone and checked the clock for the millionth time today "11:05"

FINALLY. You thought as you jumped off the couch and ran to the bathroom.

You made your way to the bathroom  and cleaned yourself up a bit. You couldn't show up without brushing your teeth and fixing your hair.

After fixing yourself up, you made your way to your bedroom and grabbed your phone and your wallet before walking over to the balcony and stepping outside.

You pulled out your phone and double checked the file the commission sent you. The file contained information about eraserhead , his quirk and the drawbacks of his quirk. One thing that caught your eye was that he suffers from horrible dry eye and needs to use eye drops frequently.

I need to swing by the store and get some eye drops. And maybe I'll get coffee or something while I'm out. You thought to yourself as you took off into the air.

I still don't understand why the commission thinks i need to be babysat. And by a high ranking pro hero at that. I'm sure he'd much rather work by himself then have to pet sit for the commission. You thought to yourself angrily as you flew to the store.

You finally landed and walked into the store, your eyes squinting at the harsh light. You quickly found the eye drops and made your way to the register.

"Hello dove" The girl behind the register said happily. Her eyes looked like the where gonna pop out and she had the biggest grin on her face.

"Hello" you said sweetly

"What brings you here" the girl said nervously.

"I'm picking up eye drops for a friend of mine" you said with a small smile

"Your a really good friend" she said her body tensing as the conversation went on.

"Thanks kiddo" you said while holding a smile on your face

"Oh uhhh, your total is $29.99" she said her voice cracking a bit.

You swiped your card and grabbed the bag off the counter.

Those fuckin eye drops better work.

"Have a good night" you said waving as you walked out of the door.

"You to" the girl said loudly

I just paid 30 for eye drops. They better make his eyes feel so good he busts on the stop. You laughed as you walked to the coffee shop that was around the corner.

You reached the coffee and shop and walked inside, taking in your surroundings as you walked to the register.

"Welcome to max coffee, what can I get you" the man behind the register said in a very lazy tone.

He's high as shit, and this shop reeks of weed.

You placed and order for yourself before looking back at the menu.

Should I get eraserhead a coffee? Would that come off as weird or make me seem like a fan girl?

You dumb whore, stop overthinking. Get him a coffee. A very angry version of the voice in your head spat.

"I'll also take a black coffee please" you said, your nose scrunching from the awful smell that lingered in the shop.

The man told you your total and you swiped your card. You watched as he lazily made the drinks your ordered. Your like 99% sure he fucked up your drink.

Night shift (aizawa x reader) Where stories live. Discover now