13- under my wing

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Tw- This chapter contains mention of suicide. If you aren't comfortable with this skip the part where Shota asks The reader questions about her personal life.

I pull out my phone and check the time '2:07'. I put my phone away and look up at the sky, mentally going over tonight's patrol as I watch the storm clouds roll in.

Patrol had gone by pretty slowly, nothing to challenging. Although if there was something big Shota probably wouldn't have let me help, he didn't even let me help with the small stuff tonight . Every time we came across a villain he'd handle it and yell at me to stay out of the way.

After a whole night of him yelling at me we are now sitting on the ledge of a building, a comfortable silence surrounds us which neither of us dare to disrupt. A breeze blows over us as we sit there, it's so calm. I could stay in this moment forever, everything from the weather to the music playing in my AirPods is perfect. Although the best part of this whole thing is that I'm here with Shota. I sigh softly in disapproval at the last thought that crossed my mind.

Your starting to sound like a simp. Don't go there. You don't like him like that and you know it. It's just another one of those times you mistake you liking someone as a friend for you liking them more then that.


"Dove" Shota says, I look over to him and meet his eyes as I wait for him to speak again. "If it's not to personal I was wondering if I could ask you a few things" he says softly.

"Go ahead" I say with a soft smile.

"How bad is the hero commission" he says.

Sir I can't tell you what the commission does, that's how people go missing. They are EVIL and sadistic and they have way to much power. Japan as a whole would be better if all the higher ups dropped dead, better yet. If the commission never existed to begin with.

"I can't say. I don't know enough about the inner workings. Although I know they can be harsh sometimes" I say calmly, my eyes never leaving his. He hums in response as he thinks about my answer.

I know way to much. And I've seen, heard and done to much.

"Alright, can I ask you another question" he says calmly, a small breeze blows by us, causing his hair to blow softly in the wind.

"Sure" I say with a small nod.

"How'd you met Hawks, and why where you guys training at such a young age" he says blankly.

Why would you ask that question. Why why why. Fuck you and your invasive questions.

"Me and hawks always wanted to be hero's, and we both had a strong drive to accomplish that goal. My dad had frequented the gym and so I begged him to take me with with. The gym he went to had a special program where kids could "workout". I say with air quotes. "Me and keigo both went to that program and we bonded over the fact we had such similar quirks. We've been friends ever since" I say with a nostalgic look on my face. Not overly forced but prominent enough that it could be noticed if he paid attention.

Seamless lie baby, good job. I praise myself mentally. And I did add some truth to that lie. My dad apparently went to the gym a lot when I was little. From the pictures I've seen he was absolutely ripped.

"I'm guessing you and your dad are close" Shota says softly

"Yeah" I say with a soft smile, Shota hums softly at my response.

Lies, I don't even remember him. He killed himself when I was like three.

"Are you and your mom close" he asks softly

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