37- Rest

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Authors note- Okay, so, I want to take the time to formally apologize and explain a little as to why I've been so slow. Initially, I became slow because I was kinda at a shit time in life, my world got ripped away from me, and you can find evidence of when I struggled the most with that throughout the chapters, cause it shows. BUT, I got my world back, somehow I got them back, so as of recent I've been spending every second of the day I can with them, and the other parts of the day, are spent thinking of them. So I don't end up accomplishing much. With that being said, don't expect updates to get better, I just finally feel comfortable sharing.

"Good morning sho" you coo softly as the groggy man on the couch. He had just woken up, sitting up on the couch, although with the way he was slouching, he should have just stayed laying down.

"Morning" He replied groggily, his voice is deep and raspy, and his words are slow.

"How was the nap?" You question with a small smile on your face.

"It was okay" He mumbles

"I'm glad you were able to get some extra sleep in, you need it" you smile as you set a plate down in front of him.

He looks up at you in confusion, the teachers lounge doesn't have the ingredients to make the meal you made him, and you didn't have a bag with you when you came in, so how'd you get the supplies.

"I ran to the store down the road real quick, figured you'd want something to eat" You say with a small smile

"Oh, thank you" He says before picking up the chopsticks, examining the food you made him. It was nothing extravagant, but he felt like it was. You ran out to the store and cooked this, specifically for him, and by the looks of it you didn't make yourself anything, so you did this just for him, and it made him feel really special.

You down on the couch he's on, making sure there is space between you two so you don't make him uncomfortable.

"Do you like it?" You question softly

"It's good" He replies before taking in another mouthful of the food.

You two sit in a comfortable silence as he eats, he doesn't say a word as usual, and you sit there quietly listening to music.

"The devil is a lie, them other girls can't compete with mine" The lyrics play through your AirPods and you silently tap your foot to the beat, bringing your gels almost to the floor every time, but then pulling up so you don't make noise and annoy Shota.

"Cause she's such a good kisssseeer" You can't help but think of Shota when those lyrics play, because he is in fact, a damn good kisser; he's good at damn near everything though, except social interaction, he sucks at that.

"What are you listening to?" Shota questions breaking your thoughts

"Hmm? Oh, how'd you know I was listening to music? Can you here it or something?" You ask.

"You've been moving your foot to what looks like the beat of a song, am I wrong?" He responds

"Your freakishly observant dude" You reply "And I'm listening to 'Good Kisser' By Usher" You say with a small smile

He lets out a hum, and nods slightly in acknowledgement before returning to eat his food, pulling his phone out from his pocket in the process.

You take a quick peak at his phone and see him adding the song you mentioned to a playlist. Your heart instantly melts.

Awwwww, nah cause why is he adorable.

"So, how ya feeling Sho?" You question

"Could be worse" He mumbles

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