Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter

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One Year Later...

"Oh sure, Dean! Yeah, you totally knew what we were dealing with from the start. It's not like you brought a gun full of rock salt to a vampire case!"

"I'd say rock salt to the face hurts pretty damn bad, Sam!"

"But it doesn't kill them! We're hunters, Dean! Not freaking salt shakers!"

"Really? Salt shakers? That's the best you could come up with?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Shut up, man. I haven't slept in days."

Dean shrugged. "Neither have I and I can still come up with something better than that."


Dean huffed. "Yes, really."

"Go on then," Sam challenged. "I'd like to see you try."

"I'm driving, Sammy! Do you not know you shouldn't bother a man when he's driving?!"

Sam scoffed. "You just can't think of a better joke than me."

"You can't even call that a joke, Sammy. You're the joke here."

"Oh, I'm the joke? You're the joke, Dean! You brought rock salt to a vampire fight!"

"Shut up, Sam!"

Sam turned his head to the window, deciding that staring off into the darkness was a much better sight than his brother's stupid face.

Dean turned the music up, headbanging to Van Halen as he sang along.

They had just finished up a big vampire case. A huge nest had taken over an abandoned warehouse and they were killing people by the dozen. Sam and Dean had taken care of it, not one vampire left standing.

A quick shower and change of clothes at the motel and they were back on the road, heading home to the bunker.

Sam stared out the window, trying desperately to block out his brother's Van Halen concert, when his eyes caught sight of something on the side of the road. He shot up in his seat. "Dean! Stop the car!"

"What? We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Stop the car, Dean!"

The Impala screeched to a halt. Before Dean could turn to yell at his brother for being an idiot, Sam had already jumped out of the car. Dean quickly followed him. "What the hell, Sam!" he shouted.

Dean ran over to his little brother, shoulders hunched against the wind. When he saw what Sam had noticed way before him, he let out "Oh, shit."

A young woman was on the side of the road, clothes covered in blood and hair full of sticks and leaves. There was blood running down the side of her face, presumably a blow to the head that had knocked her out.

"She's still alive, Dean!" Sam called, his hand wrapped around her wrist.

Dean sank to his knees, his eyes instantly drawn to the woman's face. He felt his stomach clench as he took in the cuts and bruises on her body. "What the hell happened to her?" he muttered to himself.

Sam shook his head. "I don't know, but we should get her out of here, Dean. She's injured and it's damn cold out here."

Dean nodded. "We'll take her back with us. Get a story from her when she wakes up and then take her to a hospital or something."

"We should check her. Make sure she's human."

"We'll check her at the bunker." Dean inched closer to the woman, intending to pick her up and carry her to the car, but stopped dead in his tracks when his hand brushed against her skin. 

He felt a jolt go through him as his hand touched her. An odd sensation spread in his chest, his heart beating even faster than when he had been slaughtering vamps mere hours before.

"Dean?" Sam called. "You okay?"

He snapped out of his daze, looking up from the woman's face that he hadn't realised he was intently staring at. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Let's get her out of here before she freezes or something," he mumbled.

Sam nodded. "I'll get the door."

Dean turned back to the woman, his eyebrows knitting together as he stared at her face once again. He quickly shook his head in an attempt to shake off whatever had him spooked and reached for the woman. Carefully lifting her into his arms, he secured his grip on her before quickly walking back to his car.

Who was this woman? And what the hell was she doing on the side of an empty road in the middle of the night?

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