Chapter 14: Dean's Defence Training

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Another week had flown by at the bunker. Most of the time, you and the boys were sat behind your laptops, researching any potential clues that could lead you to more information on the group of rogue demons that were looking for you.

When you weren't researching demons, however, you'd have your nose in a book to read all you could about the supernatural. The bunker – which belonged to the Men of Letters, you had learned – had a wealth of information about every supernatural creature out there. At first, it was a shock to discover just how many monsters were out there, but you quickly adjusted and focussed your energy on learning about them all.

Over the course of the week, Sam and Dean told you about some of the encounters they had as hunters. They told you how the apocalypse had happened – which was only slightly their fault – and how they had stopped it. You learned that Dean went to Hell and that Sam had been in the pit with Lucifer, which made him lose his soul for a while.

You learned about the people important to the boys, including their good friend who just so happened to be an angel and usually wore a trench coat. One time, when it was just you and Dean sipping beers late at night over an apple pie, he told you about his dad and how he was raised. In turn, you shared something about your own family and how your parents had died early on in your childhood in a car crash, which resulted in you being raised by an alcoholic uncle.

That evening, you and Dean really bonded, you thought. He opened up just a little, but enough to show how much he had gone through. It hurt you to know how much pain he had faced in his life and you felt an odd need to protect him from ever having to go through that again.

You learned a lot about the boys that week, and they learned a lot about you, too. Living at the bunker with the Winchester brothers had its moments, but you could say with no hesitation that you had never felt more at home than you did now.

"Alright, princess," Dean spoke up. "It's time."

You looked up from the book about werewolves you were reading and raised an eyebrow at him. "Time for what?"

"Your first training," he stated matter-of-factly. "If you wanna go out hunting things, you gotta know how to defend yourself first."

"Does that mean I get to beat you up today?" you joked.

Dean shot you a sassy look. "Honey, I'd like to see you try."

Dean took you to one of the emptier rooms in the bunker, an array of weapons leaning against the wall. Sam smiled at you, chuckling lightly at the face you made seeing all those guns and knives.

"Not gonna lie, guys. I feel like you're about to murder me," you chuckled nervously.

"No murdering today," Sam assured you, grinning widely. "Just some simple defence training, alright? We just want you to feel safe when you're out there in the world. This can help you with that."

You nodded. "Yeah, okay, I can see that."

Dean picked up one of the guns, smoothing it over.

You eyed it. "Do I get to shoot that thing?"

Dean scoffed. "Let's get your defence in check before we start shooting things, huh?"

You pouted, but acquiesced. It sounded logical. You really wanted to shoot something, though.

"Alright," Dean called out, moving so he was standing behind you. "Some creep grabs you from behind. What do you do?"

"Elbow him in the face and run!" you reckoned.

All of a sudden, Dean had you in a tight grip. You were pressed against his chest, your arms held back by his. You couldn't help but blush, but reprimanded yourself. This was important. You had to focus.

"Go on then. Elbow me," Dean challenged, chuckling as you tried to move with no success.

"Not the best strategy, I guess," you mumbled, shifting on your feet.

"Am I hurting you?" Dean asked quickly.

You shook your head. "No, but I wouldn't call this position very comfortable. Whatever happened to a good old fashioned missionary?"

Dean's chest rumbled out a laugh. You could feel the vibration against your back.

You were so close to him, you could feel his breath hitting your ear.

"Didn't think you were so vanilla, princess," he whispered in your ear.

You blushed a deep shade of red.

"Guys," Sam begged. "Can we focus, please?"

Dean cleared his throat, releasing you from his grip and taking a step back. "An elbow in the face works if you can manage to do it, and, usually, you're not gonna be able to do that, especially not if your attacker is much taller than you."

You looked at Sam with wide eyes. "Sometimes I forget people come as tall as you. I couldn't even reach your chin if I tried!"

He chuckled. "Don't worry, (Y/N). We're gonna show you a few tricks that might help you out, yeah?"

A few hours later, you were lying on the floor, trying to catch your breath.

"Had enough, princess?" Dean chuckled.

"Dude," you breathed. "It's been hours. How are you still standing?"

"Hunts take a long time, (Y/N). You gotta have the stamina for it."

You grumbled a few incoherent swear words as you forced yourself to get back up. "Fine! I'm up. Come at me."

Sam chuckled. "Maybe that's enough for one day, yeah?"

"Oh, thank God!" you breathed, sinking back to the floor. "Everything hurts."

"I admire your determination, though, (Y/N). With some more training, you'll make a great hunter," Sam smiled.

You grinned widely. "Hell yeah, I would!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, sweetheart," Dean chuckled, offering you a hand to help you up.

You took his hand and let him pull you up. You stumbled a little with how sore your legs were, and you ended up against Dean's chest. "Sorry," you mumbled, blushing slightly.

"No worries, princess. Glad I could catch you."

"I think you killed my legs," you pouted. "They stopped working."

Dean rolled his eyes at you, but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "How many times did you work out before now?" he asked you.

"Like in a week?" you quizzed.

He nodded.


Dean chuckled. "That explains it," he teased.

"Shut up, Winchester. I totally beat your ass," you muttered tiredly.

"You sure did, sweetheart," he chuckled. He bent down, wrapping an arm underneath your legs. In a swift motion, he had you in his arms and was carrying you out of the room.

You let your head rest on his shoulder, far too exhausted to even notice at this point.

He smiled softly at you, leaning in slightly to press a kiss against your forehead. "You need a shower," he teased.

"So do you," you bit back.

"I guess we'll have to take one together then," he smirked.

You blushed and smacked his chest. "You wish, Winchester."


Dean's plan to not get attached is still going strong, as you can see *ahem*

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I promise you a lot more fluff (and angst) in the chapters to come. And, if I'm being honest, I'd say it's time our favourite angel in a trench coat shows up again!

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