Chapter 18: Heat of the Moment

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Sam and Dean were filling bags with holy water, guns full of devil's trap bullets, and demon blades, while you were gathering some supplies for the road.

You were getting ready for a huge hunt; a hunt that would hopefully put an end to the situation you were in. If you and the boys could take out every last demon involved in the plot to kill you, you'd once again be safe. You could finally start your new life without fear of being hunted. Instead, you'd be doing the hunting. With Sam and Dean.

Castiel was off searching for Crowley to ask for his help. After all, these demons were also acting out against him. They disagreed with the way he had been ruling Hell, and they decided to go out on their own. It was in Crowley's best interest to have these demons eliminated, in case they'd come for his throne.

"I think we got everything," Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"What's next?" you asked.

"We wait for Crowley and Castiel. Then we head off to kill every last one of those demon bastards," Dean stated.

"I should go pack some things," you sighed, already moving to the bedroom.

Sam and Dean shared a look before Sam cleared his throat. "I'll give you two a moment," he said awkwardly.

You frowned. "What is it?"

"You're not coming," Dean said gruffly.

You rolled your eyes. "Dean, I can't believe you're trying to have this argument again."

"You are not coming," he emphasised. "You're staying at the bunker. You'll be on lockdown until we get back."

You gaped at him. "You can't be serious!"

"I am very serious, (Y/N). You're staying here and that's final."

"Dean, these demons are after me! I should get to help take them out!" you argued. "I helped last time! I killed two demons on my own, including one that was about to ice Cas!"

"And how did that end?" Dean growled. "You nearly got yourself killed! If Cas hadn't been there to heal you, you could have died!"

"But Cas was there and he is coming with us this time, too! If anything goes wrong – which it won't because I have more experience now – he can help!"

"We are dealing with a crapload of demons, (Y/N). You were in way over your head last time and it nearly cost you. You are not coming with us."

"You have been opposed to me becoming a hunter this entire time! You just can't deal with the fact that that's what I am now! You keep trying to get in the way of me becoming a hunter and I'm sick of it!"

"Hunting isn't a walk in the park, (Y/N)! Most hunters don't even get to see their thirties because they get killed. We hunt monsters! It's a dangerous, crappy lifestyle, so forgive me if I don't want you doing it!" Dean barked.

"I can handle it! I want to help people, Dean! Let me do that! It's what I want!"

He shook his head. "Not this time. We are taking care of these demons on our own. You will not get involved."

"Don't tell me what to do, Dean! You do not own me!" you yelled.

"I am trying to keep you safe," he seethed.

"I can keep myself safe!"

"Clearly you can't!" he bellowed.

"Dean, I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one!"

"Then stop acting like one. You're so damn stubborn, it drives me nuts."

You gasped. "I'm stubborn? How about you, Dean? You can't let anything go! You always have to be in charge and- and take care of everyone when they can handle themselves! I can take care of myself, Dean! Stop trying to protect me!"

"I can't!" he roared.

"Why?" you yelled back.

"Because you're my damn soulmate, (Y/N)!"

Dean stormed over to you, his hands cupping your face as he roughly pressed his lips against yours.

You were stunned, your hands moving to the back of his neck all on their own as you deepened the kiss. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire.

Dean broke the kiss, his hands still holding your face. The realisation of what he had just said and done all of a sudden hit him, his eyes blowing wide in shock. "(Y/N)..." he tried.

You shook your head. "I- I don't understand," you stammered. "I need- I need to go."

You removed yourself from his grip and hurried away to lock yourself up somewhere. Your head was spinning, your chest was aching. It was getting hard to breathe.

Dean stayed behind, staring in anguish as you ran away from him after what he confessed to you. Nausea crept up his throat, his eyes filling with tears.

What had he done? 

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