Bonus Chapter: Christmas Eve

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Couldn't help but return to this story for a moment to bring Christmas to the Winchester family! I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a beautiful 2023. Grab a slice of apple pie and escape family chaos for a moment with this bonus chapter. I hope you all enjoy it!


What if a Christmas tree disaster put Castiel and Crowley in charge of little Mary Ellen Winchester for two hours? Let's hope an angel of the lord and the King of Hell can handle Dean Winchester's daughter...

"Dada, twee!" Mary called out.

Dean chuckled. "Yes, Princess. We're setting up the tree today." He picked up his daughter and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Wanna help?"

The little Winchester nodded furiously. "Twee! Twee!"

You walked in, carrying the last box of Christmas decorations. "Someone's excited."

"She gets her Christmas spirit from her mother," Dean joked, giving you a kiss.

"Ew," Mary babbled.

You laughed. "Alright, little one. Let's get decorating."

Within the hour, you and Dean had decorated most of the Christmas tree as Mary sat on the floor and yelled whenever she disagreed with your design choices. The only thing left was the tree topper.

"Come here, Princess," Dean cooed, picking up his little girl. "Gonna help daddy with the tree topper?"


You stepped down from the stepping stool to hand Dean the tree topper when you slipped. The tree topper fell to the floor and shattered at his feet. Mary instantly started wailing.

"Shit," you cursed under your breath.

"It's alright, it's alright," Dean shushed Mary to no avail.

"I ruined it," you sniffed. "This was her first time putting up the tree topper with you and I broke it."

"Hey, it was an accident," Dean soothed, kissing the top of your head. "It's alright, we'll go get a new one. We still have time before everyone gets here."

You shook your head. "We need to put Mary down for her nap and we can't leave her alone for that long. The mall will be crazy busy."

"I'll rush to the store and get a new tree topper, alright? I'll use my charm to get the very last one if I have to," Dean joked.

"It's not funny, Dean!"

"Relax, Sweetheart. It'll be alright. We've had worse."

You huffed out a laugh. "I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make Mary's first real Christmas Eve special. We didn't get to celebrate last year."

Dean managed to calm his daughter and put her in her crib. "Last year was my fault. Sam and I shouldn't have taken a case so close to Christmas. I want to make it up to you, okay? I'll call Sam, tell him to get here early, and we'll go get a new tree topper together."

You nodded, a small smile finding your face again. "I'd like that."

Not even ten minutes later, a frustrated Dean tossed his phone on the couch. "No one can get here early," he sighed.

"Not even Jody?" you asked.

"Nope. Looks like I'll have to get a tree topper myself, Sweetheart. I'm sorry."

You hesitated. "What if..."


"Don't start shouting right away, okay? Give it some thought! What if... we asked Cas to babysit?"

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