Chapter 16: Demonic Unfolding

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"These demons have been wreaking havoc on this town," Sam frowned, scrolling through the numerous articles he had found. "Can't believe we did not stumble upon this earlier."

You were in a motel room, making some last-minute preparations before you, Sam, Dean, and Castiel would go to the location where you suspected the demons were gathering. It was a big job and a dangerous one at that and Dean had been uneasy the entire ride over there.

"Seventeen murders, twelve explosions, a flood. They really have been working hard here."

Dean sighed. "Alright, look. I know we had a plan, but I'm thinking we need to make some adjustments."

"Like what?" you asked.

"Like you," he chided. "I don't want you coming with us."

"Dean!" you called out. "That's not fair! I've been training for weeks. I can help! You said I could help!"

"That's before I realised what we were dealing with, princess. Based on these articles, we're dealing with at least a dozen demons. Probably all working together on whatever messed up plan they got going on. You are not ready for that," he argued.

You looked at Sam for help, but he sighed. "He might be right, (Y/N). This is really dangerous. Too dangerous for your first hunt."

"So, what? I'm supposed to stay behind in this crappy motel room again with a bunch of devil's traps around me while you guys go face who knows how many demons?! No! I want to help! What if something happens to you?"

"We have Castiel with us, (Y/N). We're gonna be fine. It's you we should be worrying about, not us," Dean retorted. "This is for your own good!"

"Stop treating me like a child, Dean! You taught me how to defend myself. I know how to kill a demon. I can do this! I can help! This is my life, too!"

"(Y/N)!" Dean boomed. "It's not safe!"

You were about to open your mouth, ready for a screaming match, when Cas interrupted.

"I'll look after her, Dean. She's clearly not willing to stay behind. I'll make sure she stays safe."

"Cas, we'll be dealing with a lot of demons. We're gonna need your help with that," Sam pointed out.

"I can manage, Sam. I'll take out whatever demon you can't and keep an eye on (Y/N). I wouldn't let her get hurt." His eyes turned towards Dean. "I wouldn't," he emphasised.


You were dangling in the air, your lungs being pressed together by the demon's strength. You were struggling to breathe as you clawed at your neck, desperately trying to suck in some air.

On the other side of the room, Sam and Dean were fighting off several demons at once. They were thrown against the wall and shoved across the floor by the demons as they fought with all their might.

Castiel appeared behind the demon that was choking you, placing a hand on its head and burning out its eyes.

You fell to the floor, wheezing loudly. "Thanks," you heaved.

Castiel was already across the room, helping Sam and Dean before they'd get themselves killed.

You all had been so wrong when estimating the size of this demon organisation. There weren't just a dozen, there were at least thirty in this building alone. Crowley had clearly struck a nerve.

Cas took care of a few more demons, allowing Sam and Dean to take out a couple more.

You crawled back onto your feet, gripping the demon blade tightly in your hand. You stepped up behind one that was lunging towards Castiel and stabbed him hard in the back, his eyes immediately glowing bright yellow before fading out.

Dean took out another demon, shoving his blade up its face and killing it instantly. He turned around to find you, eyes darting across the room. He noticed you killing a demon on your own, a proud smirk tugging at his lips at seeing the techniques he taught you.

He turned to look at Sam, who had just taken out the last of the demons that were on his heel, wiping the blood off his forehead with his sleeve.

"I think we got them all," Castiel spoke. "Except for the ones who fled or who were not here in the first place."

Dean nodded, wiping his blade on his jeans. "That was one hell of a job. Nice work, guys." He turned towards you, intending to praise you most of all when he saw another demon sneak up on you from behind a corner.

Before he could do anything, the demon had thrown you against a wall, your head hitting the concrete with a sickening thud. You collapsed onto the floor, unmoving.


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