Chapter 5: Nightmares and Memories

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TW: Kidnapping and physical violence (beating).

You shuddered against the cold gust of wind, wrapping your coat tightly around your frame. It was much later than you had planned, but your boss needed you for an extra task. Desperate for the promotion you've been after for a year, you stayed to get it done. However, now you had to walk back home alone, in the dark.

You anxiously looked around you, having always been too paranoid to walk alone at night. You cursed your boss under your breath as you picked up your pace, keys tightly tucked into your hand.

At a rustling sound behind you, you froze and turned to look. You didn't see anything, but the air around you felt tight. A shiver went down your spine, making you long to be in your safe home.

Out of nowhere, you felt a pair of arms grip you from behind. You tried to scream, but a large hand quickly covered your mouth and muffled the sound. You felt a knee hit you from behind, making you stumble to the ground.

You tried to fight them off, but they were too strong. A strength that almost didn't feel human.

Before you knew it, you were tossed into a van as it sped away.

"Let me go!" you yelled. You landed on your back with a groan, the man soon on top of you with his face inches away from yours.

"Not a chance, sweetcheeks," he smirked. "You should be thanking me! I'm doing you a favour."

You shook your head. "Get off me! Get off me!" you shrieked, pulling your knee up as hard as you could to hit him in the balls.

The man rolled his eyes. "Always gotta fight, these miserable humans," he sighed pitifully. "What? Was that supposed to hurt?"

Your eyes widened in fear as his eyes turned completely black.

"Time for some fun, little lady."

You woke up with a jolt, immediately shooting upright as sobs wrecked your frame. You hugged yourself tightly as shallow, erratic breaths struggled to escape your throat.

Within seconds, the door flew open with Sam and Dean charging inside. At the sight of you, they were both instantly by your side.

"Hey, hey, hey," Dean soothed. "What's wrong, princess? Talk to me."

You shook your head rapidly, tears streaming down your face.

"It's alright," Sam tried. "You're okay. It's okay."

Dean put his hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly in an attempt to ground you. "It's alright. I'm right here. You're okay," he spoke calmly, keeping his voice soft and low.

"I- I-" you tried.

"Take a deep breath," Dean encouraged you. "Try again."

"My dream!" you heaved. "It was real! The dream was real!"

Sam's eyes went wide. "You remembered something?"

You nodded frantically, struggling to get any more words out.

Dean got up from the floor, taking a seat next to you on the mattress instead. He rubbed his hand along your back. "Deep breaths, okay? Then we can talk."

It took a while before you managed to control your breathing and tears. You were in shock and overwhelmed. Your dream was real, you knew it was. But what you saw was impossible. It was terrifying.

"Alright, princess," Dean spoke calmly. "Want to try telling us what you saw?"

"Take your time," Sam added.

"I- I was walking home. I had to work late and it was dark and I had to walk home by myself," you stammered. "Someone grabbed me and- and threw me in a van." You took in a sharp breath, squeezing your eyes shut.

"He- He beat me and he was laughing the entire time, but he-" you stopped, unable to get the words out. You didn't want the brothers to think you were crazy. It couldn't have been real.

"He what?" Dean asked. His voice was strained, like he was putting all his energy into trying to remain calm. "What happened next?"

You shook your head. "It's not possible," you whispered. "It's not. I must have imagined it."

Dean looked at his brother, his lips forming a tight line. He had a bad feeling about this and, from the looks of it, so did Sam. Whoever had taken you was not human. They were, once again, dealing with the supernatural.

"You can tell us," Sam encouraged you. "I promise we won't judge you."

Your lips trembled. "I'm not crazy," you whimpered.

"I know you're not," Dean assured you. "Just tell us what you saw."

You looked up at him, a tear rolling down your cheek. "His eyes," you whispered. "They turned black."

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