Chapter 17: You Really Got Me

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"You were supposed to keep an eye on her!" Dean bellowed.

"I thought we had gotten every demon there, Dean. I did not see that last one," Castiel opposed. "I kept her safe throughout the entire fight!"

"Dean," Sam tried. "Dean, she's okay. Cas healed her. She's okay."

"No, she's not!" Dean roared. "We've been back at the bunker for hours and she still hasn't woken up!"

"I healed her completely, Dean. Her body took a big blow last night, it will take some time for her to wake up. I assure you, she's fine," Castiel spoke calmly.

"I told you it was too dangerous to let her come!" Dean kicked one of the chairs, his hands gripping at his hair. His breaths were quick and shallow, and the panic coursed through him like a hurricane.

You got hurt. You could have died. The thing he had feared the most had happened. If Cas hadn't been there, who knows what could have happened to you. He could have lost you forever and it would have been his fault.

There were too many demons in that place. Far more than anyone had expected. They took out a bunch, but a lot of them managed to get away. They still weren't done with this fight. You still weren't safe. Sooner or later, more demons would come after you.

It already went wrong once and Dean was sure it would only get worse from here.

"Dean," Sam spoke quietly, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I know what happened was awful, but she's okay now."

"This shouldn't have happened. None of this should have happened!" Dean ranted. "She shouldn't have been hunting, she should have been back in her old life, enjoying all the mundane shit people like!"

"Dean, you know that's not possible anymore."

"But it should be! I ruined her, Sam! Those damn demons are after her because of me. Because she's my damn soulmate! This is my fault!"

"It's not your fault, Dean," Castiel assured. "The demons shouldn't have had this knowledge in the first place. You weren't supposed to meet (Y/N) for another year, but they interfered. They tortured an angel for information and now they're using it against you. That is not your fault."

"This won't screw up their future together, right?" Sam asked worriedly.

Cas shook his head. "No, it shouldn't. As long as we eliminate all the demons involved, it should all be fine."

Sam nodded. "That's good," he breathed. "See, Dean? That's good! It's gonna be okay."

Dean shook his head, pacing from wall to wall. He couldn't get any words to come out anymore. His mind was drowning in panic and worry. He couldn't think clearly. He couldn't see clearly. Tears were brimming his eyes and he didn't even bother stopping them.

He was terrified. Absolutely terrified.

In the short time that he had known you, he had already gone through a whirlwind of emotions with you. From learning your name and trying to ignore you to constant arguments and fights in a desperate attempt to keep his distance from you.

That had failed miserably the second he had made you cry and, over the past few weeks, he had treated you better. Kinder. This, however, made the walls he had built around himself crumble to almost nothing. He had confided in you. Told you about his father. About Hell. You had listened. Comforted him. You had made him feel safe. Seen.

In turn, you had confided in him. Told him about your childhood. The loss of your parents. Your uncle. He had comforted you, too. Tried to, at least. He wasn't as good as you at comforting people, he thought. You were gentle. Loving. You had a smile that could put him at ease with just one glance your way.

You were beautiful and kind. You were funny and bossy, always ready to speak your mind.

You liked the same music as him. The same pie. You loved his quirks and passions, and he loved yours.


A strong word. A word Dean had never really used before to describe his relationships with women. If you could even call any of that relationships. It was a strong word. A terrifying word.

But it was the right word.

Dean was in love with you.

As much as he had tried to fight it, he couldn't help it. Everything about you charmed him. He longed for every touch, every smile directed towards him. He longed to hold you like he accidentally had that one night at the motel. He longed to kiss you, capture your lips with his and watch as an adorable blush coated your cheeks.

He wanted it all, and he wanted it with you.

He couldn't deny it any longer. It scared the crap out of him.

"Dean," Sam spoke. "Hey, Dean, snap out of it."

Dean looked up, tears evident in his eyes. He had somehow made it onto the floor, his back resting against the brick wall. Cas and Sam were staring at him with concern evident on their faces.

"Maybe you should go sit with her?" Sam offered. "Be there when she wakes up. I think she'd like that."

Dean nodded, dragging himself up from the floor. Quietly, he made his way to his room. The room that had quickly become yours, too.

"Dean?" you whispered, noticing a figure by the door. "That you?"

He was soon by your side, taking your hand in his. His other hand went to your hair, gently stroking it. "How are you feeling?" he asked worriedly.

You smiled softly at him. "Like a truck hit me. Twice."

Dean's eyes widened and he was about to call out for Castiel when you stopped him.

"It's okay, Dean. I feel fine, really. I'm not in any pain," you quickly assured him.

"Don't mess with me like that, sweetheart," he breathed. "You scared the crap out of me."

"What exactly happened again?" you frowned.

"We killed every demon in there, except one. He snuck up on you and..." Dean swallowed thickly, "threw you at the wall."

"Right," you muttered. "Forgot about that for a second. Did you see the two demons I killed on my own, though? That was pretty badass."

Dean chuckled. "Yes, you were pretty badass, I have to admit."

You smiled sleepily at him, your eyes briefly closing. "I know right?" you mumbled.

"Hey, hey," he worried. "Stay with me, princess."

"I'm fine," you mumbled. "Just really tired."

Dean left your side briefly, but you soon felt the bed dip next to you. You smiled, turning your head to see Dean lie down next to you. "Joining me?"

"Of course," he breathed. "You think I'm ever letting you out of my sight again, sweetheart?"

You shrugged. "I gotta use the toilet sometime."

Dean huffed out a laugh. "Stop sassing me, young lady."

"Can't help it. I'm just that funny."

Dean shuffled closer to you, his hand moving your hair away from your face.

You opened your eyes again, staring up at him.

His eyes held a look you couldn't quite place, but it knocked the breath right out of you. His green eyes held worry, yet adoration. An unmistakable fondness that you felt in your heart.

Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your eyes flickered to his lips and back up to his eyes.

A soft smile spread on his face as he slowly leaned in, eyes already closing.

"Dean – oh." Sam stood in the doorway, a hand covering his mouth. "I can –"

Dean sat up with a start, quickly putting some distance between you for a reason unknown even to him. "What, Sammy?" he growled.

"We got a new lead."

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