Chapter 34: Sweet as Pie

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Your dreams hadn't been kind to you.

It had only been a week since you were saved from Amon and his demons and everyone understood you still needed to process everything that had happened to you. Dean understood that sometimes you needed to be alone, curled up in bed or sitting in the shower to let your tears flow freely. He understood when you flinched at a sudden movement or a loud noise.

You needed time to heal and he understood that. He'd be there for you every step of the way. If only he could take the nightmares away, too.

You sat up with a gasp, tears streaming down your cheeks. You frantically took in your surroundings and struggled to force air back into your lungs.

Dean stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Once he realised what was happening, he was instantly up and by your side.

"Hey, hey," he soothed, "you're okay. You're safe. You're with me."

You nodded, eyes squeezed shut as you focussed on getting your breathing back under control. It took a while, but eventually, the weight lifted off your chest and the fog in your head evaporated.

"You good?" Dean asked gently.

"Yeah," you breathed. "I'm fine. Sorry."

"Don't apologise. I'm no stranger to bad dreams, I get it."

You offered him a small smile. "Yeah, I know. Thank you."

He gently pulled you back down, taking you into his arms.

You rested your head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat, softly exhaling and relaxing your body.

"The dreams don't last forever, you know," he comforted. "You'll get through them and, eventually, they won't bother you as much anymore."

"Can't wait for that," you snorted.

Dean pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head. "I've got you."

"And I've got you," you whispered.


Two weeks since you escaped.

The nightmares still haunted you every night. You were exhausted. Your whole body felt sore from the lack of sleep, but still, you couldn't manage to get more than an hour each night before the dreams woke you up again.

This time, you found yourself sitting in the kitchen. Your nightmares had been keeping Dean up, too. He didn't want to admit it but he was feeling just as tired as you were. So, you had quickly moved to the kitchen before your nightmare had the chance to wake up Dean as well.

You stared at the steaming cup of tea warming up your hands. The warm air gently nipped at your face. A reminder that you were home and safe.

You sighed deeply, looking around the kitchen for a distraction from your mind. Sleep probably wasn't going to happen again tonight. You might as well do something productive with the little energy you had.

You sauntered over to the pantry, letting your eyes wander until something stood out. With a soft smile, you grabbed the ingredients you needed.

Dean had been your guardian angel ever since he took you back home. He had been so gentle and caring, making sure he was with you for every bad dream and panic attack you had. He had been the one reason for getting through all the painful memories. He deserved something nice.

With a slight skip in your step and a song in your head, you started baking your grandmother's apple pie. A pie Dean fell in love with from the very first bite. There was just something about that pie that made it so much better than any other.

As you prepared the dough, sliced the apples, and decorated the pie, a sense of peace washed over you for the first time since it all happened. A soft smile lit up your face as you quietly hummed the song that had become your favourite ever since Dean sang it to you.

You hardly noticed the sun come up, nor the shuffling of feet towards the kitchen.

Dean let out a yawn and rubbed his face as he entered the kitchen. His hand dropped to his side as he saw you, a smile spreading on his lips. He leaned against the wall, watching you with fondness.

He hadn't seen you like this in a while and he had missed it. He had missed you. The way you always were and the joy it brought him.

As you moved to put the pie in the oven, you noticed him by the door. You turned around and offered him a small smile. "Couldn't sleep again," you explained.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

You shook your head. "You needed the sleep. Don't even try to deny it."

He made his way over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're more important than sleep," he whispered.

You giggled. "I'm okay. I just needed a moment, I guess. Thought I'd bake you something to pass the time."

Dean's eyes lit up. "Pie?"

"Yes, pie," you laughed. "Your favourite."

"Fuck, I love you," he gushed before leaning in to kiss you.

"I love you, too," you whispered when he broke the kiss. "Thank you for being there for me."

He flashed you a cheeky grin. "How could I possibly let you go when you make such amazing pies?"

You rolled your eyes and smacked his chest with a light laugh.

He chuckled. "I'm joking, Sweetheart. I'd keep you around even if your pies sucked."

"Dean," you whined, "I was trying to be sweet. Stop it."

"You're always sweet," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Sweet as pie."

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