Chapter 4: The Bunker

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"Dean!" you shouted.

Footsteps soon approached and Dean was in front of you in seconds. "You okay?"

"I don't mean to be rude," you started. "But I'm getting pretty bored over here."

Dean chuckled. "Well, you've been sleeping for almost four days straight, sweetheart. Can't blame you."

"Well, now I don't want to sleep anymore," you complained. "Can't I help you guys with anything? I want to be useful if I'm gonna be here a while."

"You're supposed to be resting until your concussion heals. Doctor Sam's orders," Dean argued.

"Doctors don't wear that much flannel," you protested.

Dean laughed. "Yeah, good point." He stepped closer to the bed. "How about a change of scenery, hm? You've been cooped up in here for four days. Maybe it's time for you to be cooped up in another room."

You rolled your eyes, huffing out a laugh. "You make it sound like so much fun."

"You have no idea how much fun I am, princess," he winked. "Come on, then. Let's get you someplace different."

Before you had a say in the matter or a chance to protest, Dean had already scooped you up from the bed with ease. You let out a small yelp in surprise, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Relax. I'm not gonna drop you, I promise," he chuckled.

"I can walk, you know!" you spluttered.

"Yes, but resting does not include walking, so I'm not letting you," he stated matter-of-factly. "Let's get you to the couch. Now, don't be freaking out, alright? It can be pretty intimidating at first," he warned.

You shot him a curious look. "What can be intimidating?" Before he could answer, you already caught sight of the huge room you were suddenly in. Your mouth fell open as you took in the whole place.

Dean chuckled. "Welcome to the bunker, princess. It's pretty damn awesome."

"What is this place?" you shrieked. "It's insane!"

He gently set you down in one of the chairs that stood beside a huge table that had a map etched into it. "Long story," he answered. "It's an underground bunker. We found it because of our grandfather, actually. Again, that's a long story."

You let your fingers trace the map in awe. "An underground bunker? That's where I've been this whole time? I thought you said you weren't creeps?"

Dean rolled his eyes at you, but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Yes, very funny. We're not creeps. We're totally normal guys that just happen to live in an underground bunker. Nothing wrong with that."

Sam walked into the room, a beer in his hand. "Oh, hi! Didn't realise you were out of bed. Feeling better?"

"Better?" you said loudly, "I'm in a freaking bunker!"

Sam chuckled. "Oh, yeah I forget that sometimes. It gets less impressive once you get used to it."

"She wanted a change of scenery," Dean explained, picking up his own beer. "Figured she was well enough to discover the bunker we live in."

"I see it went well," Sam snickered as he watched you stare at the room around you with wide eyes.

"Is that a sword?!" you called out, already getting up from your chair to go touch it.

"Whoa there! What did I just say about resting?" Dean called out, gently ushering you back in your seat.

"That it's for losers and that I should totally play with that sword over there?" you smiled.

"Nice try, princess."

"I bet it's not even sharp," you huffed.

Sam chuckled. "That's exactly what Dean said before he cut his finger on it."

"Shut up, Sam," Dean grumbled. "I was just testing it."

"Sure," his brother teased.

Dean ignored him. "You want a beer, too?" he asked you. "I'll get you one."

"Dude, she's recovering from a concussion!" Sam protested.

"So? I've had concussions and still drunk beer. What's the big deal?"

Sam looked exasperated at his brother's comment. It was clearly not the first time they had had an argument like this.

You laughed slightly at the bickering brothers. "I don't want any beer, but thank you for offering."

"If you want beer, you can have it. Don't listen to Sam. He's one of those gross healthy people who eat vegetables," Dean told you, making a gagging noise.

You giggled. "Vegetables? That's crazy!" you played along.

"I know!"

The rest of the evening went by quickly. You talked with the boys, learning more about them and the bunker. It was nice sitting at a table instead of being stuck in bed for days, and you were enjoying spending time with the Winchesters. They were nice guys, you realised. Pretty funny, too, you had to admit. Talking and laughing with them felt natural. As if you had been doing it for years.

You took a slice from the pizza Sam had picked up earlier. "What do you guys do for a living actually? I don't think you mentioned it before."

Sam and Dean shared a look, one brother subtly shaking his head at the other.

Sam cleared his throat. "We're in the family business," he answered vaguely.

"Oh, you've got a family company? That's nice! What do you do there?"

Dean got up from his chair, tossing his leftover pizza slice in the empty box. "Would you look at the time. It's getting late!"

You shot him a quizzical look. "It's ten o'clock."

"Yes!" Dean answered quickly. "But you're still on rest duty, princess. Can't have you staying up too late."

You laughed lightly. "I'm not a child, Dean! And I'm feeling a bit better, I can handle it."

Sam cleared his throat, looking at his brother with questioning eyes. "We could –"

"No, Sammy," Dean established immediately.

"Is everything okay?" you asked nervously.

"Just fine, sweetheart. You just brought up a touchy subject, that's all."

His attempt at a reassuring smile was not convincing you, but you decided to let it go for now. It clearly was a touchy subject, that much you could guess. You didn't want to push or pry if they were uncomfortable talking about it, especially not after how kind and helpful they had been. Still, them not wanting to talk about their jobs was a bit unsettling.

You nodded. "Sorry. Didn't mean to."

Sam smiled at you. "No worries. We'll talk about it another time, yeah?"

"Yeah," you agreed. "Sure, don't worry about it."

Dean settled back into his chair, popping open another beer. "How about a movie then?" he offered, trying to change the subject.

"Fine, but I'm not watching those stupid Westerns with you," Sam argued.

"They are not stupid, Sam! Clint Eastwood is badass!" Dean defended.

"A monkey, Dean. He was best friends with a monkey!"

"Hey! You take that back! That Orangutan was a national treasure!"

You watched as the brothers, yet again, started bickering about something stupid. You leaned back in your chair, watching them with an amused smile. However, you couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was wrong...


Hope you're enjoying the story so far! It's still in the early phase, but more plot (and don't forget all the angst and fluff 🤭) is still to come!

Thank you for reading!

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