Chapter 20: Crowley

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"Well, well, well," Crowley drawled. "Hello, Moose, Squirrel. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Some of your demons have gone rogue," Dean spoke gruffly.

"Straight to the point, then. I can appreciate that," Crowley smirked. "Some of my demons causing you boys trouble?"

"More than trouble, Crowley. They almost destroyed a whole town!" Sam hollered.

"Yes, I noticed that. Didn't quite bother me. It wasn't a nice town, anyway. Very rude people."

Castiel stepped forward. "You need to help us take care of these demons, Crowley."

"From what I heard, you boys already did quite the number on them."

"Some of them got away," Dean growled. "We need to find them and kill them before –" he quickly cut himself off.

"Before what?" Crowley quirked his eyebrows. "What has Squirrel so upset? Someone steal your nuts?"

Dean gritted his teeth, moving forwards to speak his mind before Sam stopped him.

"Our motives don't matter, Crowley," he argued. "We know these demons have gone rogue because one of them told us. They're acting out against your rule in Hell. It's only going to be a matter of time before they try to overthrow you. It's in your best interest to help us out."

"Well, Moose. Can't argue with that logic," Crowley expressed. "What is it you need?"

"Can you find these demons and take us to them?" Cas questioned.

"So you can kill them without further punishment?" Crowley jeered. "Absolutely, I cannot do that. These demons went against my orders. I will deal with them as I see fit."

"We can't take that risk," Dean insisted.

Crowley grinned. "Does this perhaps have to do with a certain someone's soulmate?" he teased.

"How'd you know about that?" Dean asked through gritted teeth.

"Please," Crowley scoffed. "I'm the King of Hell! I hear everything!"

"Then you know these demons are trying to kill her," Sam pointed out.

Crowley shrugged. "Not really my concern."

"Well, it's mine!" Dean shouted. "These demons are dead, you hear me? I'm not taking any risks."

Crowley glared. "Good luck finding them before I do."

Dean threw up his hands as Crowley disappeared. "Damnit!"

"Perhaps we should have drawn a devil's trap," Castiel muttered.

"Thanks for the contribution, Cas!"

"Dean," Sam sighed. "We can find these demons without Crowley's help. This was just an easier way. We already have leads of our own, we'll find them."

Dean shook his head to himself, dragging his hands across his face as various swear words decorated his lips.

"What's up with you?" Sam asked. "I know this whole demon thing has been rough on you, especially since (Y/N) got hurt last time, but you've been acting even weirder all morning than you did before."

Dean groaned, sinking to the floor and burying his face in his hands. "I accidentally told her."


"I told her!" Dean shouted, dropping his hands to his side. "She refused to listen! I got angry and I- I let it slip."

"Let what slip?" Sam pushed.

"I told her she's my soulmate," he grumbled.

Sam blinked in shock. "Wow," he breathed. "How- How did she react?"

"I didn't give her time to react."

"What do you mean?"

"I kissed her."

"Holy shit, dude," Sam called out. "Then why are you so down in the dumps? That's great! You finally told her and you kissed her. Dean, this is amazing!"

"She RAN, Sammy! I kissed her and she ran!"

"Oh, crap," Sam breathed.

"Yeah, you could say that alright," Dean grumbled. "I'm an idiot."

"Hey, hold up. This doesn't have to mean anything," Sam tried to comfort.

Dean glared at him. "I kissed a girl and she ran, Sam. When is that ever a good thing?"

"She was probably just surprised! I mean, you told her that you're her soulmate, Dean. That must be confusing, especially to someone who has only just found out about the supernatural. Soulmate sounds pretty intimidating."

Dean shook his head, a defeated look on his face. He looked like he had given up completely.

"Dean," Sam tried. "I have seen the two of you interact for two months now. You and (Y/N) are the very definition of soulmates! She wouldn't be your soulmate if she wasn't into you, dude. And she clearly is."

"I don't know, Sammy."

"Well, I do. You always say I'm the smart one. How about you trust me on this one?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "You were only pre-law, don't get all high and mighty on me now."

"Just trust me, Dean. We'll get this hunt over with and then you and (Y/N) can start a life together! You can take her on a date! When have you ever taken a girl on a date? A serious date that wasn't just a cover for sex?"

Dean pursed his lips. "Once or twice... maybe never."

"Well, you're gonna change that! We'll gank these demons and then you and (Y/N) can go ride off into the sunset."

"Dude," Dean scoffed. "Did you just go Cowboy on me?"

"Yeah and it'll never happen again, so enjoy it," Sam snorted.

"I hope you're right, Sammy," Dean sighed. "I hope you're right." 

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