Chapter 22: At Last

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It had been four hours since Dean had left, leaving you alone in the motel room. For four hours, you had been fighting every muscle in your body that was aching to jump up and go after him.

The wait was agonising. With each minute that passed, you grew more and more worried.

What if there had been even more demons than anticipated? What if everything had gone south?

You wiped at your eyes, cursing yourself for the floods of tears that kept plaguing you. You weren't much of a crier, but Dean had taken every emotion inside of you and brought it to the surface. You had been a crying mess all afternoon and you hated it.

At hearing commotion at the other side of the door, you quickly jumped off the motel bed and grabbed the demon blade on the nightstand, holding it tightly in your hand.

The door swung open, revealing Sam first, who hurried inside with a worried expression on his face. You were about to ask what had happened, when Castiel stumbled through the door with Dean leaning heavily on his shoulders.

"Dean!" you called, running up to him. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, princess," he tried to assure you, but the groan he let out upon Castiel dropping him on the bed betrayed him.

You were quickly by his side, leaning over him to see what was wrong. Almost immediately, you noticed the big gash in his shirt and the gaping wound that adorned his stomach.

Sam emerged from the bathroom, a sewing kit and a bottle of whiskey in hand.

"What's going on?" you shouted desperately.

"Dean got stabbed by one of the demons," Cas grunted. "I tried to heal him on our way back here, but there were more demons than we thought and it took too much energy out of me. I couldn't heal him fully."

"What?" you called out.

Dean gently shushed you. "Sweetheart, I'm fine. Just a gash, that's all. Cas took care of the worst of it already. Just need to stitch it up, okay?"

You nodded, tears threatening to spill but refusing to fall. Dean was hurt. There was no time for crying right now. You quickly grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly as Sam opened the sewing kit.

"It's a big wound, Dean. Are you sure you don't want a doctor taking care of this?" he asked worriedly.

"Nah, Sammy. It's fine. Just stitch it up," he said confidently, trying his best to look tough in front of the girl he liked.

At the first poke of the needle, this tough attitude quickly vanished as his face contorted in pain. "Holy shit," he breathed.

You pressed a kiss to his knuckles, holding his hand tightly with one of yours. Your other hand went up to his hair, stroking it calmly.

He offered you a radiant smile, making you giggle.

"Are you trying to act tough in front of me or do you just not feel pain anymore?"

"He's acting tough," Sam laughed, earning a glare from his brother.

"Hey, princess," Dean said, turning his head back to face you. "Guess what?"


"We took care of it," he smirked. "No more demons coming to steal you from me any time soon."

A broad smile tugged at your lips. "You did it?"

"Of course, I did," he scoffed. "Did you ever doubt me?"

"Only for a second," you joked.

He rolled his eyes. "A 'thank you' would be nice, you know. Wasn't an easy fight."

You smiled at him, leaning in slightly to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you," you whispered.

Sam grinned widely, momentarily pausing his stitching to cherish the look of content on his brother's face.

Yeah, this was good, he thought. This was really good. 


Hope you guys are prepared for all the fluff I'm shoving into the upcoming chapters!

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