Chapter 33: Hey Jude

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"Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better," Dean sang softly, calmly stroking your hair as he watched you sleep peacefully.

Cas had healed you, but the damage of six continuous days of torture ran much deeper than your physical wounds.

When Castiel had snuck up behind Amon and killed him, you could no longer hold on. Your head dropped to your chest. Dean's shouting hadn't reached your ears anymore, but he had begged Castiel to leave the other demons and heal you immediately.

Cas had done just that. He healed you with a simple touch and, when all the other demons had been taken care of by Sam and the small army of angels that still wanted to help Castiel, he had brought all of you back to the bunker.

That was two days ago, but you still hadn't woken up. It worried Dean, but Cas kept assuring him that you were going to be alright. While your body did not need to heal anymore, your mind had taken an even bigger hit. It was going to take time for your soul to recover from this, so, for now, all you could do was sleep.

Dean continued to tenderly sing the song his mother used to sing to him to make him feel better as he held you in his arms and stroked your hair.

He had hardly left the bedroom since you got back, insisting on spending every second he could with you whether you were awake to notice or not. After losing you for a week and watching how much you had suffered, the mere thought of not holding you sent his mind into a panic attack.

It would take time for you to recover from this and it would take time for Dean to stop blaming himself, but you'd both get through it. Together. As soulmates should.

"Hey Jude, don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better," Dean continued to sing quietly, a small smile tugging at his lips at how much this bit of lyrics fit everything you and him had been through.

Slowly, his words began to reach you. At hearing the quiet hum of his voice, you started to wake up bit by bit. And while you could not yet manage to open your eyes and look at the man you loved, you could hear him sing and feel his touch. At that moment, you instantly felt safe again.

"So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, you're waiting for someone to perform with," Dean sang.

"And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do," you whispered, a smile slowly making an appearance on your face.

Dean sat up straight, moving so he was hovering over you. "(Y/N)!" he called urgently.

With much effort, you finally managed to open your eyes and look at him. "Hey, Dean," you giggled softly, your voice coming out hoarsely.

He chuckled. "Hey, you."

You smiled up at him, taking in his worried and tired eyes.

As Dean looked into your eyes and saw that same fire and vigour in them that you had when you first met, he finally broke down. With a sob, he gathered you in his arms and held you tight against his chest.

You wrapped your arms around him, holding onto him for dear life. You began to cry, too, and for a while, that's all you did together.

"I'm so sorry," he breathed. "I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you."

You moved back slightly so you could look at him and wipe his tears. "It was not your fault. Please, don't blame yourself."

His lips trembled as he watched you with tears in his eyes. "I almost lost you."

"But you didn't," you reminded him. "I'm right here and so are you. It's over." At that realisation, it was your turn to completely break down.

All that pain you had endured had nearly broken you to your core. When you were alone in the barn, after having been beaten for hours, you feared you'd never be the same person again. You feared you wouldn't even make it out alive at all.

But here you were. Alive. And while you could feel that you were going to need time to heal from this, you could still feel yourself hiding under all that trauma. You were still in there. You were still you.

Dean held you against him, rubbing your back soothingly and whispering sweet nothings into your hair.

Once you had both calmed down and dried your tears, Dean moved the two of you so he could look at you. You lay next to each other, legs tangled together, just staring for a while.

Dean eventually broke the silence and softly said, "you know, I realised something a while ago."

"What was it?" you whispered.

He cleared his throat, breaking eye contact for a moment before looking at you again. "Well, I think I felt it for a lot longer than that. Not think, I know I felt it a lot earlier than at that moment. I guess I just didn't fully realise it until that day."

"What day?"

He smiled at you. "When Sammy and I got back from that hunt in Wichita. I hadn't even told you how bad that case got to me at the time because I was just trying to get home as fast as I could. I just needed to see you, I guess. And when we got home, you were standing there with a dinner you cooked and an apple pie you baked from scratch. When you put that pie in front of me, it just hit me."

"Hit you that I'm a brilliant baker?" you joked.

"That, too," he admitted with a chuckle. He quickly grew more serious. "But no, it finally hit me that you were my soulmate. Like, obviously, I knew before that moment that you were and I felt it before that, too. But, at that moment, I realised just how much I love you."

You felt tears brim your eyes as you stared at him. You didn't know what to say and, to be honest, you didn't think you could get any words out right now.

"I love you," Dean whispered, gazing into your eyes with so much love and sincerity that you felt like you could just melt.

"I love you, too," you croaked. You reached out to him, pulling him close and kissing him fiercely.

He deepened the kiss, carefully moving on top of you before pressing his body as close to you as he could.

Once you broke the kiss and looked at each other again, a huge grin spread on Dean's face.

"What?" you laughed.

"I just said the 'L'-word to my girlfriend."

You laughed at his childishness. "I'm your girlfriend now? I don't believe you've ever asked."

He flashed you a cheeky grin. "I don't need to ask."

"Oh?" you challenged.

"You'd say yes anyway. I'm irresistible," he flirted.

"Still, it's nice to be asked," you urged.

With a chuckle, he pushed himself up. He cupped your cheek with his hand and gazed at you. "(Y/F/N)," he said dramatically, making you roll your eyes. "Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"



I hope you're all enjoying the story! Thank you so much for reading! ♥

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