Chapter 38: Carry On My Wayward Son

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"You think she'll like it?"

"Holy crap, Dean," Sam breathed.

"What?" Dean asked urgently. "Too big? Too shiny? Too small?"

"No, no!" Sam quickly assured. "I'm just in shock. You're asking (Y/N) to marry you?"

A small smile tugged on Dean's lips. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."

Sam's face broke out into a wide grin. "Holy crap, dude!" He got up and hugged his brother, patting him on the shoulder. "I'm happy for you, Dean."

"Thanks, man," Dean said softly.

"And the ring!" Sam enthused. "It's gorgeous. She'll love it."

"You sure?" the older brother asked hesitantly.

"Oh, definitely. I mean, it's a diamond you got there. Girls love that shit."

Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I hope (Y/N) does, too."

"She will, man. When are you going to ask her?"

"Well –"

"Ask who what?" you asked as you entered the bunker, two paper bags filled with groceries balancing on your arms.

"Nothing!" Dean called out, hiding his hand behind his back. "Ask nobody nothing."

You chuckled. "Everything okay here?"

Sam nodded frantically. "Oh, yeah! Everything is great! We were just... well, we were just talking about... things and stuff. Yeah."

"Okay," you said hesitantly. "You boys didn't do something to get in trouble while I was out, right?"

They both shook their head, innocent smiles on their faces. They were brothers, alright.

"Right then. I'll just put these groceries away while you two act weird together."

"You look hot!" Dean called after you.

"You too!" you yelled over your shoulder.

"That was close," Sam huffed, "and gross."

"I should go hide this thing before she sees."


You stood before the mirror, holding up two dresses. One was red and slightly above the knee. It had a round neckline that was just revealing enough, but didn't go overboard. Dean loved this dress, you knew. The other one was black and slightly shorter than the red one. It had a deep V neckline and was a bit sexier than you were used to.

Dean had asked you out on a date. He wanted to go somewhere fancy, which was odd because Dean was usually the diner and a movie type. However, it was the one-year anniversary of when you first met each other and he wanted to take you someplace nice.

You hadn't complained. You liked going on dates with Dean. He'd always act like the perfect gentleman when you went out together. It made you feel special.

"The red one," a voice called from the doorstep.

You turned around, a smile spreading on your face. "Charlie!" you gushed. "What are you doing here?"

The redhead brought you in for a tight hug. "Oh, you know. Just stopped by for a surprise visit. Haven't seen you and the boys in a while."

"It's been ages," you agreed. "How long are you staying for?"

"Just the weekend," Charlie shrugged. "But I'll come visit more often, I promise."

You met Charlie shortly after you met Castiel. She was helping the boys on a hunt and you two clicked instantly. She was a busy girl and so were you, so you mostly kept in touch over text. Seeing her in person was a very happy surprise.

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