Chapter 23: First Date

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You and the boys had been back at the bunker for three days. The first two days, you took care of Dean, making sure he stayed in bed to rest and heal. At first, he complained but after tasting the amazing soup you had made – that actually came from a can, but you weren't going to tell him that – he acquiesced to being babied by you. He wasn't ever going to admit this to anyone, but, secretly, he was enjoying being taken care of like this.

He was then only slightly disappointed when Cas was able to fully heal him on the third day back from the demon hunt.

Since your return to the bunker, neither you nor Dean had brought up the nerve-racking topic of soulmates. You had focussed on taking care of him, but gave him his space outside of that. Truthfully, the soulmate thing still made you feel anxious, and while you wanted your questions answered, you were too nervous to ask them.

Dean had also not brought it up again. After the emotional rollercoaster that you and he had been on since meeting, he needed some time to think things over. He was still torn about the situation, wanting you to be safe in a life that didn't involve hunting and at the same time desperately wanting you in his life.

Sam had tried talking some sense into his brother, assuring him that everything would work out because you and Dean were soulmates and you were meant to be together. It gave Dean some hope, but his dark thoughts still convinced him he wasn't worthy of a soulmate in the first place.

But seeing your bright smile each time you entered his room to check up on him or bring him something made him feel selfish. He wanted that smile in his life every day. He wanted you every day for as long as he could.

So, deciding this soulmate thing was at least worth a shot, Dean came to the conclusion that he should probably take you out on a date. Well, it was Sam who made the suggestion (rather forcefully, too) and Dean who, after getting over the strange idea of going on an actual first date with a girl he really liked, claimed to have thought of it himself.

And, thus, here he stood. Fully healed from his injury, waiting for you to come home, so he could ask you out. It was a simple question. So why was he so damn terrified of asking it?

"I'm back!" you shouted, entering the bunker with two paper bags in your arms. "I brought pie!"

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Sam chuckled, helping you with the bags. "Did you get –"

"The green stuff you wanted? Yeah, I did."

"You're the best, (Y/N)," he replied, taking out his smoothies and settling back into his chair next to his brother.

"I know," you smiled cheekily.

Dean still hadn't said a word at this point. In fact, he hadn't even looked up from the very interesting beer bottle he had in his hand.

Sam nudged him with his elbow while you were distracted with the pie. "Ask her!" he whispered.

"Not now, Sammy!" Dean grunted back.

"Dude, ask her!"

Dean noticed you staring at the two of them and offered you an awkward smile.

"Everything okay?" you hesitated, laughing lightly.

"Everything is great, actually," Sam answered cheerily. "Dean wanted to ask you something."

"Dude!" Dean whisper-shouted at his brother. "Shut. Up."

"What is it, Dean?"

He smiled awkwardly at you again, straightening his posture. "(Y/N)," he began.


"Would you like to possibly, potentially – you can say no, obviously – but would you like to – with me – possibly have dinner. With me. Someplace nice. With me. As your date. A date is what I'm asking you on. Romance stylezz," Dean chuckled nervously.

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