Chapter 11: Demon's Tale

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'In here,' Sam mouthed, pointing at the door beside him.

Dean nodded, quickly moving to stand on the other side of the door, gun raised.

They had made their way inside the abandoned warehouse, where Sam had heard of some suspicious events that pointed to the demon they were looking for. So far, the building seemed empty, but a noise on the other side of this door alerted the boys.

Dean gave his brother a quick nod before kicking in the door and charging inside. The demon turned around quickly, ready to throw the Winchesters against the wall and escape from the person he was possessing. Before he had the chance, however, Dean had fired his gun. The bullet with a devil's trap carved into it hitting the demon right in the head.

"Devil's trap bullet, bitch," Dean stated smugly at the horrified look on the demon's face. "We are gonna have a nice chat."

After tying the demon to a chair and placing him in another devil's trap on the floor, just in case, the boys threw their guns to the side and approached him.

"Alright, pal," Dean scowled. "I think you know why we're here, but let me enlighten you in case you want to play dumb." He grabbed another chair, pulling it towards him and taking a seat right in front of the demon.

The demon smirked. "Oh, I know why you're here, Dean-o. I've been waiting for you. Nice touch that devil's trap. I'm gonna remember that trick."

Dean smiled deviously. "You're not gonna have much time for remembering, pal."

"How is she?" the demon taunted. "Hope I didn't rough her up too much. Wouldn't want that."

Dean scowled. "Why did you take her and dump her on the side of a road? Crowley's orders?"

The demon scoffed. "I don't follow Crowley's orders, pal. I have my own agenda."

"And what would be on that agenda?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet, Dean? I know you're not the brightest, but I expected you to have figured it out by now!" the demon cackled. "Don't you know who she is?"

Dean's jaw clenched, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the back of the chair.

"So you do," the demon sneered.

"Shut up," Dean growled.

"(Y/N)(Y/L/N)!" he sang. "Dean Winchester's soulmate. How romantic!"

"How do you know that?" Sam interjected.

The demon shrugged. "Angels like to hear themselves talk. Wasn't difficult to get information out of one of them. And, my oh my, what I heard! Dean Winchester has a soulmate. I, for one, did not see that coming, but I was glad to hear it anyway. Gave me the perfect idea," he smirked.

"Idea for what?" Dean barked.

"Destroying the Winchesters, of course. The deal you made with Crowley was the last straw. No demons allowed to interfere with the damn Winchesters! And that after you tried locking us up in Hell!" he screamed. "No, I had to take matters into my own hands, so I did."

"And how's that going for you?" Dean taunted back.

"Pretty well, actually," the demon smirked. "Getting butterflies already, Dean? She's a pretty one, I have to say. Gonna be tough not to fall in love with that one!"

"What is your end game here?" Sam questioned. "Why go through all this effort?"

"Simple!" the demon chirped. "I force Dean Winchester's soulmate on his path. They inevitably fall in love, as soulmates do. I kill her in front of him!"

Dean gritted his teeth. "You knew we'd be driving down that road that night, so you kidnapped her and dumped her there for us to find."

"Bingo! Now, you're getting it, Dean-o."

Dean shot the demon a sarcastic smile. "Well, good luck carrying out that plan, buddy. Seems like you're not getting out of this room alive."

"Oh, but I'm not alone!" the demon laughed. "There are others who are fed up with Crowley's rules! We united. And all of us cannot wait to get our hands on that girl of yours."

Dean felt his chest tighten, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. 

He thought this would be it. He would kill this demon and you would be safe. He would convince you to return to your old life and watch from a distance how you got the ordinary life you deserved. Even if it was without him in it.

But luck was not on his side. There were other demons involved. Other demons who would carry out the rest of the plan. You were not safe. You were being hunted. And it was all his fault.

He felt as though he had been hit by a truck. His chest felt heavy and he was struggling to breathe. All he saw was red. Pure hatred and anger towards the demon in front of him. Anger for forcing his soulmate into his life. Hatred for trying to take her away from him.

"Where are the other demons? Who are they?" he snarled.

"You can torture me for an eternity and I still would not tell you, Winchester. There is nothing you can do to stop this," the demon grinned.

In a swift motion, Dean pulled the demon blade from his jacket and shoved it right up the demon's face. He watched the demon's eyes glow bright yellow before sizzling out and turning to nothing.

"Dean," Sam breathed. "Dean, this is bad."

"I know, Sammy."

"We can't let her go home, Dean. They'll kill her! Who knows how many demons are involved in this? It will take us an age to track them all down!"

Dean shook his head. "She can't stay with us, Sam."

"What? Have you lost your mind?" Sam called out in shock.

"You heard him, Sam! This is exactly what they want! For her to stay with us. For me to get attached! I can't do that to her!"

"Dean, you don't have to run from this! We can protect her and- and teach her how to protect herself from these demons! She'll be safe at the bunker with us!"

"You have been pushing this from the start, but it is not happening! If she stays with us, I might get attached because, apparently, that's what happens to soulmates! And then what, Sam? Watch her die? Watch another person that I care about die? I can't do that again, Sam!"

"Dean," Sam pleaded. "We'll keep her safe. We'll- We'll pray to Castiel and summon Crowley! Castiel can help us keep her safe and Crowley can help us keep his demons under control. That would work! That way, we can keep her safe, Dean. And that way, you can be with her!"

"Who says I want to be with her, Sam?" Dean yelled. "Who says I want to let even one more person into our lives just to lose them again down the road?

"You don't have to lose her, Dean!"

"How do you know?" Dean roared. "How can you possibly guarantee that?"

Sam's eyes watered, his lips pulling into a tight line as he watched his brother crumble in front of him. He wanted his older brother to be happy so bad. After everything they had been through, this is exactly what Dean needed. His soulmate by his side. But Dean was too afraid, too broken by everything he had lived through, to see how good this really was. Sam saw it, but you weren't Sam's soulmate. He hadn't met his yet. He would give everything to meet her, but until he could, he was going to try his damn best to make sure his brother got his happy ending, too.

"Give it a chance, Dean. Get to know her. Let her stay with us. We'll keep her safe, I promise. Just... give it a chance."

Dean dragged his hands across his face, fighting the tears that threatened to spill. He shook his head. "Why are you so insistent on this, Sammy?" he breathed tiredly. "Can't you just let it go?"

"She's your soulmate, Dean. She is destined to be with you, and I'm not gonna let your stubbornness get in the way of that. You deserve to be happy, Dean."

Dean shook his head in defeat. "I don't, Sam. I don't."

"Yes, you do."

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