Chapter 2: Lost and Confused

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You moaned softly as you stirred awake. Your entire body felt sore as if you had just run three marathons in a row. Your head was pounding as you struggled to open your eyes.

When you finally managed to force open your eyes, you were met with an unsettling sight. You were in a bedroom. A bedroom you did not recognise. A bedroom that was definitely not yours.

With a lot of effort, you managed to push your body up to get a better look at your surroundings. It was a small bedroom, but a nice one, nonetheless. It was filled with someone's belongings. Pictures on the nightstand, a flannel hanging on the chair, an old-fashioned radio on the desk.

You took a deep breath and forced yourself to sit up. Pain shot through your body like daggers scraping at your insides. You caught sight of your skin and gasped in horror as your eyes took in the bruises and cuts that decorated your arms and legs.

Panic coursed through you as it dawned on you.

You were in a bedroom you did not know, covered in injuries you did not know how you got. You could not remember how you got here or what had happened to you. You couldn't even remember where you were supposed to be or who. You did not remember anything.

In a panicked daze, you pulled yourself out of the bed, desperate to escape from wherever you were. Something had clearly happened to you and you were not about to sit back quietly as some psycho kidnapper could walk into the room at any second.

You dragged your feet across the floor, but a sharp pain in your foot had you gasping in pain. You fell to the floor, taking the lamp on the nightstand with you. You slapped a hand over your mouth at the loud bang it made as it hit the floor. Your head snapped towards the door, tears brimming your eyes. Please, no one hear me, you thought desperately.

Hurried footsteps quickly approached the door before it swung open to reveal two tall, muscular men barging into the room.

You pushed yourself against the nightstand in fear, holding your hand out in front of you. "No!" you rasped out, your throat feeling achingly dry all of a sudden.

The taller man instantly took a step back and held up his hands. "Hey, it's okay! We're not here to hurt you! We're here to help!" he quickly blurted out.

You stared at him with wide eyes. "Who- Who..."

"I'm Sam. Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean," he said, pointing at the man standing next to him, who hadn't spoken at this point. "It's okay, we are not going to hurt you."

"Where am I?" you whispered. "What happened to me?"

"You don't remember?" the other man questioned.

You were surprised by his voice. It was much deeper and rougher than his brother's. You looked at him, noticing the concerned look on his face. He was looking at you, too. Worry was clear in his eyes, but his jaw was clenched and tight. He didn't seem to fully trust the situation yet either.

Slowly, you shook your head. "No," you whispered. "I don't remember anything."

"Nothing at all?" the taller man, Sam, asked gently. "Maybe you can tell us your name?"

You shook your head again. "I don't remember that either." Tears filled your eyes as this realisation hit you even harder now that you said it out loud.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." It was Dean who spoke this time. He slowly sank to his knees to be at eye-level with you, a soft smile on his face now.

You stared at him, instantly feeling the panic in your chest relieving just a little.

"It's gonna be alright," Dean assured. "We think you hit your head pretty bad. Could explain the memory loss, hm?"

You nodded slowly.

Sam sat down on the floor too, pulling his lips into an equally comforting smile. "We didn't mean to scare you. We heard a noise and came to check on you. You were out for quite a while."

"How long?"

"About ten hours," Dean answered. "You had us worried there for a second, sweetheart."

You felt a blush creep up your neck. "How- How did I even get here?" you stuttered out, avoiding his eyes.

"We found you on the side of a road last night while we were driving home," Sam explained. "It was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. We have no clue how you got there and it seems that you don't either."

You shook your head.

"I'm sure it'll come back to you," Dean assured.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, you probably just need some rest. The memories will come back once you heal."

You looked at the two strangers in front of you, both carrying soft and comforting expressions on their faces. They were clearly making an effort to make you feel safe and at ease. Still, the whole situation was intimidating. You were in a strange place with strange people without any recollections of who you were or what had happened.

Yeah... this was pretty bad. 

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