Chapter 35: Flirty Werewolf

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"You're an idiot!" you shouted.

"Well, excuse me for trying to protect my girl!" Dean yelled back.

"Protect me?" you called out. "You punched a werewolf in the face! On a full moon!"

"He was flirting with you!" Dean defended.

"That doesn't mean you should punch him, Dean! You almost got yourself killed."

"Almost," he pointed out.

You shot him a glare.

"Relax, Sweetheart. I'll be fine. I've had worse."

After Dean had punched the werewolf in the face, the creature quickly retaliated and attacked Dean. Luckily, Dean managed to plunge his silver knife into its heart before it bit him, but the werewolf had still managed to scratch open his chest and leg.

You had been quick to chop the werewolf's head off after Dean had shoved it off him just in case the silver wasn't enough. And, if Dean hadn't been bleeding all over the floor, he would've been impressed by how good you were getting at it.

You had managed to get him up and drag him away from the scene in case people or other werewolves stumbled upon you. Baby was too far away for Dean to limp to, so you broke the lock of the first cabin you came across and gently lowered him onto one of the beds.

"You really need to get that jealousy under control," you sighed.

"I wasn't jealous," he mumbled. "Just defending your honour."

You huffed a laugh, but it quickly disappeared when you took the rags off Dean's injuries and saw just how much blood there was. You looked at him with widened eyes. "Dean –"

He took in his own injuries and shook his head. "Just a lot of blood, Princess. We just gotta stitch it up and I'll be good to go."

You nodded and quickly rushed to the bathroom to find a first aid kit. You gathered some supplies and ran back to the bedroom.

Dean tried to sit up, but quickly gave up. "You're gonna have to give me a hand, Sweetheart," he groaned.

You nodded. "Okay, okay. I've seen you and Sam do it lots of times. I can do it," you muttered to yourself.

Dean chuckled nervously. "You're not showing off a lot of confidence there, Princess."

You shook your head. "No, I got this. How hard can it be? I just... stab you with a needle a bunch of times and you'll be fine!"

"Right," Dean breathed. "I'll be needing a lot of scotch for this."

"I came prepared," you said, handing him the bottle.

As Dean chugged half the bottle, you quickly sanitised the needle. Taking a deep breath to steady your hands, you set to work.

Dean flinched at the first poke of the needle and you profusely apologised. "Just keep going, Sweetheart."

After a while, you had stitched up most of his chest. "Almost done," you assured him, pulling at the thread to close the wound a bit tighter.

He winced. "Not so damn tight," he groaned.

"Now you're just being a wuss," you scolded him. "Stay still."

"You'd think with those small hands of yours, you'd be more gentle poking me with that thing."

"I've seen Sam stitch you up several times and he's way rougher than I am," you huffed.

"Can't look like a wuss in front of my younger brother," he shrugged.

You chuckled. "But you can in front of your girlfriend?"

"I punched a damn werewolf for you, you know I'm tough."

You carefully leaned over him and pecked his lips. "You're the toughest man I know."

Dean grinned proudly at that.

"Even though you can't handle a tiny, little needle."

He glared at you, making you laugh.

After another hour or so, you were finally done stitching up all the scratches the werewolf had left on his body. With a lot of effort and complaining, you had even managed to get Dean back to Baby.

"Absolutely not," you scolded when Dean tried to get behind the wheel. "You're not driving! You barely managed to walk to the car!"

"I can handle it," he protested.

"I'm driving," you stated.

He scoffed. "After you almost wrecked her on our first date? Absolutely you're not."

"Well, Sam isn't here and you can't drive, so looks like you don't have a choice, Winchester."

He gritted his teeth before huffing out a sigh. "Fine! But you gotta be gentle with her!"

You took his keys. "You're hurt and need to get home. I'll be gentle with Baby when you stop punching werewolves."

"You know that's never happening!" he protested.

"Exactly," you smirked.


You ran to the bunker, pulling the door open and rushing inside. "Sam!" you called. "Sam!"

Hearing the urgency in your voice, Sam dropped what he was doing. "What happened?"

"Werewolf," you panted.

Sam gulped. "Dean got bit?"

You quickly shook your head. "No, he punched it in the damn face!"

"What?" Sam asked, now feeling more confused than afraid.

"He punched the stupid werewolf in the face and then it attacked him. I stitched up his wounds, but I think he lost a lot more blood than I thought."

"Where is he?"

"Still in the car. He's too out of it for me to help him inside."

Sam rushed to the garage with you on his heel. He opened the passenger door and took in the state of his brother.

"Hi, Sammy!" Dean cooed. "I punched a werewolf!"

Sam hid his laugh with a subtle cough. He turned to you. "What's he on?"

You shrugged. "Well, he wouldn't stop complaining, so I got him some painkillers."

"I punched a werewolf! I'm awesome!" Dean proclaimed.

"Yeah, I heard you the first time, buddy," Sam chuckled. "Let's get you to bed."

When Sam had finally managed to drag his brother to his bedroom, he softly closed the door and turned to you. "I'll pray to Cas and have him come heal Dean. That werewolf got him pretty good."

You nodded. "Thanks, Sam."

Now that Dean was home and would be fine, the stress and exhaustion of the case were finally catching up with you. You blinked away the tears that had suddenly filled your eyes and offered the younger Winchester a soft smile.

"You did great, (Y/N). He'll be fine, no worries," he assured you.

"Yeah, I know. I guess I didn't let myself feel how scary that was while it was happening."

Sam nodded. "I get it. You did the right thing."

"About that," you hesitated. "When Castiel heals him, do you think you could distract Dean for a bit longer?"

"Sure, why?"

You cleared your throat. "I may have... scratched Dean's car," you said quickly.

"Oh shit," Sam breathed. "Yeah, I'll keep him far away from you and Baby. You better get that fixed."

"On it," you nodded. "Please, never tell him this."

"I'll save it for your wedding," Sam chuckled. 

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