Chapter 29: Wretched Waffles

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You giggled as Dean's arms snuck around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulders. "Are you done yet?" he croaked, his rough morning voice sending shivers down your spine.

"Waffles take time to make, Dean," you scolded jokingly.

He shrugged. "That's fine. Means I get to stare at your ass in my clothes for a bit longer."

You huffed out a laugh. "Or you could be helpful and give me a hand with the waffles you so badly wanted!"

"Can't," he protested.

"And why is that?" you challenged.

"My hands are otherwise occupied," he said with a chuckle as he reached his hands up your shirt. Well, technically you were wearing Dean's shirt. After last night, he insisted you wear his shirt only to make sure you were comfortable.

You smiled and leaned your head back to press a kiss to his cheek. "I thought you wanted waffles?"

He nodded.

"How can I make waffles if you keep feeling me up and distracting me?"

"I thought women were good at multitasking," he grinned cheekily.

You rolled your eyes and whacked his shoulder with the wooden spoon you were holding. "Go get the waffle iron, Winchester."

He chuckled and let go of you, but not before smacking your behind and shooting you a wink.

An hour later, you and the boys were sat at the map table, plates sticky with syrup and sugar abandoned to the side.

"You make damn good waffles, (Y/N)," Sam complimented, wiping his mouth on a napkin.

Dean smiled proudly. "She makes a damn good apple pie, too. That's my soulmate alright."

You laughed, a slight blush coating your cheeks. "You guys deserve homemade waffles and pie. I've only been hunting for a few months now and I'm already exhausted. Don't know how you do it."

Sam smiled, looking down at his lap. "Well, it's nice having a new hunting partner around, especially one that can bake and keep Dean in check," he joked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" his brother scoffed. "I'm a delight!"

You laughed, getting up from your chair to press a kiss to his cheek. "Sure you are."

Dean raised his eyebrow at you. "Was that sarcasm?"

"No," you said innocently.

"Okay, was that sarcasm?" he asked, offended.

Sam chuckled, getting up to gather the plates and avoid his brother's retaliation. "Alright, I'm out."

"We need more coffee!" Dean called after him.

"Get it yourself!" he called back, disappearing into the kitchen.

"We do need more supplies," you agreed. "We used most of it for the waffles."

Dean shrugged. "Sam can get some supplies."

"Sam always gets the supplies," you pointed out, raising your eyebrow in a scolding manner. "Why don't we get them this time? It'll be fun!"

He pulled you into his lap, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "We have research to do, Princess. More monsters to take care of."

"Would you mind if I skip this one?" you asked quietly. "The one from yesterday messed with my head a bit. I'd rather take a bit of a break before heading into the next one."

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