Chapter 37: I Won't Give Up

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"Dean, you're not wearing the cowboy hat."

"But we're going to a cowboy movie! I have to wear it," he protested. "I got you one, too!"

You gaped at the bright pink cowboy hat Dean approached you with. "Absolutely not."

"Come on, Sweetheart. We can match."

"Dean, I already agreed to see a movie called Cowboys and Skateboards with you, I'm not wearing the hat," you insisted.

He shrugged. "I'm still wearing mine, partner."

"Please don't talk like a cowboy all night," you begged.

"You gotta acknowledge the corn, Princess," Dean spoke in a thick accent, "The hat is in apple pie order."

You stared blankly at him. "What?"

"I'm learning cowboy slang!" he grinned proudly. "Howdy, partner."

"I'm not going to have much fun tonight, am I?" you groaned.

Dean smirked. "Put on the cowboy hat and I'll show you a good time, Princess."

You huffed a laugh. "You're impossible," you said, taking the hat from him.

The door opened, revealing the tall and... flustered younger Winchester. "Hey, guys," he greeted. "Thought you'd be at the movies by now."

"Dean insisted on polishing his cowboy boots before we left," you explained, rolling your eyes.

"They weren't shiny anymore!" Dean defended.

Sam chuckled. "Sounds about right."

Dean abandoned his boots for a moment, taking in his brother's rosy cheeks and the dreamy look in his eyes. His eyes narrowed. "Did you get drunk or something?"

Sam frowned. "No, course not. I went to the library for research."

"Is that all you did? Research?" Dean prodded, giving his brother a knowing look.

"I saw Doug at the Farmer's Market. He says hi," Sam answered nonchalantly.

"Doug, huh? Didn't know you had feelings for him, Sammy."

The younger Winchester chuckled nervously. "What are you talking about, Dean? Don't be stupid."

A wide grin spread on Dean's face. "Son of a bitch," he breathed, "you met someone, didn't you?"

You gasped. "Wait, you met someone? Sam, that's wonderful!"

Sam's cheeks became bright red. "I just bumped into someone. Literally. It was nothing."

"What's her name?" you coaxed in a sing-song voice.

Sam chuckled. "Her name is Eileen, but, really guys, it was just a brief conversation. I didn't get her number or anything. I'll probably never see her again."

"If she's your soulmate, you will," you spoke, a smirk playing on your lips.

Sam shook his head. "No, no, I don't think so."

"Feel a rush go through you when you touched her?" Dean smirked.

"Like lightning warming your body?" you added.

Sam's wide eyes and red cheeks confirmed your suspicions.

Dean chuckled. "Congrats, baby brother."

You smiled. "Let's give him some time to process."

You linked arms with Dean and headed out to Baby. He held the door open for you and you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before getting in the car.

"Did you see his face?" Dean snickered.

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