Chapter 31: Stay Strong

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"I'm sorry, Dean," Castiel sighed. "The demons must be doing something to hide her from angels. I can't seem to locate her."

Dean shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. His hand curled into a fist as he turned around and punched the wall, not even feeling the pain shooting up his arm.

It had been four days since you were taken. Four days and they still had no leads.

Dean had barely eaten in that time. Not even the pie Sam brought on day three in an attempt to get his brother to at least eat something had managed to tempt him. The only sleep he'd gotten were the few minutes each time he accidentally dozed off. He'd quickly wake up again, curse at himself, and went back to work.

Losing you was destroying him. Just like the demons had wanted.

"Dean," Sam consoled. "We're going to find her. It's not too late yet! They'll keep her alive until we find her. It's part of their plan."

"Keep her alive," Dean spoke bitterly. "Keep her alive, but torture her while doing it! They are putting her through Hell right now, all because of me!"

"Dean –" Sam tried.

"Don't you DARE tell me that it's not my fault, Sam! Don't you dare because it is. They want her dead because they want to ruin my life! I should have pushed her away when I still could have! She'd be safe right now!"

"She'd be miserable, Dean," Cas spoke calmly. "She is your soulmate and soulmates are destined to be together. Keeping them apart can have horrible consequences."

"Apparently, being my soulmate has even worse consequences," Dean spat. He kicked one of the chairs behind him, sending it flying against the table. With one last shake of his head, he stormed out of the bunker.


You breathed shakily, trying to keep your body as still as possible. Every movement you made stung. The cuts and bruises inflicted upon you by the demons ached at every motion.

You could barely keep your head up anymore, but you could still see the fresh blood all over your body. It made you feel sick, but you couldn't throw up. You weren't sure if your body could still function properly at all anymore.

How many days had you been here? You had lost count. At first, you tried keeping up with the little sunlight you could see. But after two days of torture, you had already given up. You didn't want to know how long you'd been here. You were too afraid of the answer.

The door swung open and three different demons, ones you hadn't yet seen before, stepped inside with wide grins on their stolen faces. Behind them, the demon in charge entered the barn. Amon, you had learned his name was. You didn't know the others' names, but so far there had been six to visit and beat you.

"Still awake?" Amon cooed. "How tough you have become! Weren't always this tough, were you?"

"Shut up," you croaked.

Amon chuckled. "No, no, I remember clearly! When those bullies spilled their drinks all over your new clothes in high school, what did you do? Nothing! Just cried and ran home! Look at you now!"

"How- How do you know that?" you quavered.

He took a step towards you, bringing his face closer to yours. "We've been watching you for a while now, gorgeous. Ever since we figured out who you were and why you're so important."

You shook your head, a single tear dripping down your nose. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Amon pouted. "You poor thing. You really don't know much, do you? Castiel didn't tell you?"

"What are you talking about?" you groaned, trying to raise your voice to sound stronger but all that came out of your mouth were whispers.

"When you were crying over mean girls and stained shirts in high school, Dean Winchester was already becoming one of the world's best hunters. For years, even before he was born, we heard prophecies about the Winchester boys and the roles they were to play when the end of the world came. We tortured countless angels to get whatever information we could and, when we figured out that Dean Winchester – Michael's true vessel – would be the death of us all, we had to put a stop to that."

"But Dean never said yes," you protested weakly.

Amon shrugged. "Well, we couldn't have predicted such an act of free will! The angels were clear about the death of all demons at the hands of Michael in his true vessel! We took precautions."

"What does that have to do with me?" you sighed.

"When we found out from one of the angels that Dean Winchester had a soulmate, we got curious. You must have realised by now how strong the connection between soulmates truly is. We were going to make you our weapon, so we watched you from the very moment you turned 16."

"You've been watching me for ten years?" you cringed.

"Ten years, just waiting for the perfect moment. Of course, we thought that would be at the end of the world, but when Sam and Dean stopped all that from happening, we figured we'd wait until the perfect moment to destroy Dean Winchester."

"Why wish him dead still? He's already been to Hell and Michael never killed all of you through him, so why bother anymore?" you challenged.

Amon gripped you by the throat, forcing your head up. "Because of all the demons he has killed since then! Because he turned Crowley soft and made our places in Hell and on Earth miserable! We were no longer allowed to cause trouble or go anywhere near the Winchesters because Crowley owed them a favour! If the Winchesters didn't kill us themselves, Crowley would do it for them if any demon rebelled! We are going to change that and it starts with Dean Winchester."

You stared him down, keeping your expression as cold as you could with how badly your body ached. "Good luck with that," you spat. 


I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! There is still much more to come! 

Thank you so much for reading! ♥

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