Chapter 15: Angel to the Rescue

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"Dean!" you yelled. "Where the hell is my curling iron? I know you took it!"

Dean's head popped around the kitchen door, a wide grin on his face. "Oh, yeah. I borrowed that."

"Borrowed it? For what?"

He chuckled to himself. "I curled Sam's hair in his sleep."

You huffed out a laugh. "You can't do that! He's going to kill you for that. What if you had burnt off his hair or something?"

Dean laughed. "Would've been worth it. He looks like a fairy princess who just had a huge growth spurt."

Not even a second later, a loud 'DEAN!' echoed through the bunker.

"I was not involved!" you shouted quickly. "He stole my curling iron!"

Sam stormed into the room, pointing his finger accusingly at his brother. "What the hell, Dean? I was going to go running! I can't go out like this!"

"Sure, you can, your majesty," he grinned.

"Dean, I swear to God, I will make you regret this," Sam yelled as he marched back to his room to fix his hair.

You giggled. "You might just wake up bald tomorrow. I don't know if you can pull that off, Dean."

"Please," he huffed, "I can pull anything off."


You and the boys were sharing a pizza at the map table, laptops abandoned to the side as you enjoyed a light conversation.

"Maybe we can go out tomorrow?" you offered.

The boys shared a look and you rolled your eyes.

"Look, I know there's a bunch of demons looking for us, but we have gotten nowhere after two weeks of researching! Can't we take a break and do something fun? And, no, more defence training does not sound like fun."

Sam shrugged. "I'm gonna stay here and do more research until I find something. You and Dean could go out tomorrow, though."

Dean choked on his pizza slice, quickly chugging what was left of his beer to soothe his throat. "No," he rasped.

"Why not?" you pouted. "We can go on a car ride! Go to a place where they sell great apple pie! Oh, or we could bake our own pie! That'd be fun!"

Dean coughed loudly, shaking his head. "Research!" he called out. "We gotta do research! Find some demons. Research! Yes!"

You rolled your eyes. "You two are no fun."

"I agree," a gravelly voice spoke up from behind you, "I keep telling them they don't go to enough parties, like people do in the movies."

You turned around in your chair, your hand on your rapidly beating heart. "How the hell –" you breathed.

Sam chuckled. "(Y/N), meet our angel friend Castiel. Castiel, this is (Y/N)."

"I see you finally met your so –"

Dean roughly cleared his throat, gesturing at the clueless angel to shut his mouth.

"What is it, Dean? Are you choking on your pizza again? Should I Heimlich you again?" Castiel questioned, a confused look on his face.

"Dude, he did the Heimlich on you?" Sam laughed.

"Shut up! That did not happen," Dean protested.

"Actually, -" Castiel began.

"Enough, Cas!"

You got up from your chair and walked over to the angel. "Nice to finally meet you. I've heard lots about you from Sam and Dean!"

Castiel smiled at you. "It's an honour to finally meet Dean's so –"

"CAS!" Dean wheezed.

"What? Oh..." he quickly realised. "Right. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). Dean told me you were, eh, staying for a while, which is why I consider it an honour to meet you at this time. No other reason, of course. What other reason would there be?"

You giggled awkwardly. "It's nice to meet you, too, Castiel. I can see why the boys like having you around."

"Definitely do not," Dean grumbled to himself, glaring daggers at the angel. "Why are you here, Cas?"

"I came because you asked me to," he answered plainly. "Did you forget?"

"No, it just took you a long ass time to get here. I prayed to you like two weeks ago."

"Well, I have been occupied in Heaven, getting things back in order. I'm here now. How can I help?"

"A bunch of rogue demons have it out for (Y/N). We're trying to find them, but we haven't had any luck yet."

Castiel nodded thoughtfully. "I heard some angels discussing a group of demons that have been causing a lot of trouble. Might be something."

"Excellent!" Sam called out. "That sounds great, Cas. Can you find out where they are?"

"I'll need a moment but yes. Yes, I can." Without waiting for a response, Cas had already zapped out of the bunker.

"Cool," you mumbled. "Did he teleport?"

"Fly," Sam corrected.

"Right, wings," you breathed.

"Can we focus on what's important here?" Dean groused. "We might finally have a lead on these demon bastards. We need to prepare."

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