Chapter 12: Bad Moon Rising

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You were instantly on your feet at hearing footsteps approach the door of your motel room. You listened intently, keeping your eyes fixed on the door.

It swung open, Sam and Dean stepping inside. You couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped you at seeing the boys back and unharmed.

"All taken care of, princess," Dean said, not meeting your gaze.

Sam gave you a tight-lipped smile, bending his head in a slight nod.

"Did everything go alright?" you asked, anxiety having eaten away at you all evening. "I was worried."

Sam nodded. "Yeah, everything went fine." His voice sounded strained. Like he wasn't speaking the complete truth.

"Is he...?"

"He's dead," Dean assured you. "He didn't stand a chance."

You let out a relieved laugh. "Thank you! That's such a relief, thank you." You approached the brothers, giving Sam a hug. You quickly turned to Dean, hugging him, too.

Dean went rigid as your arms wrapped around him. He didn't dare look down at you, simply patted you on the back and muttered a 'no problem' as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

In any other case, Sam would've relentlessly teased his brother about this, but not today. A bad atmosphere hung in the air. Trouble was ahead, but Dean had insisted you shouldn't find out. He wanted you to live a normal life again. Normal lives did not involve being hunted by demons.

You let go of Dean and smiled at the boys. "Really, guys. Thank you so much for taking care of this. I feel like I can breathe again."

Sam's jaw clenched. "Dean," he grunted.

"Sam," Dean warned.

"We have to tell her," he said forcefully.

Your face fell. "Tell me what? Is something wrong?"

Dean glared at his brother. "She doesn't need to know," he hissed through gritted teeth.

"What are you keeping from me? If there's something wrong, I deserve to know!"

Sam stepped in front of his brother, turning to you with a sympathetic smile. "You're right. You deserve to know. There's more."

"More what?" you asked hesitantly.

"More demons. And we think they might go looking for you as well."

You squeezed your eyes shut, steadying yourself against the bed frame. "More," you breathed shakily. "More demons."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I wish it wasn't like this."

You shook your head. "It's not your fault, Sam. I just- I just hoped I could stop looking over my shoulder now. Guess not." You sat down on the bed, hands in your hair. "What am I gonna do now?"

"You stay with us. At the bunker," Sam declared, ignoring the shocked look on his brother's face. "We'll teach you about demons and monsters and how to defend yourself against them."

"What about my job? My life? I know I said I couldn't just go back to that anymore, but it was still my life!"

"Guess you're a hunter now, princess," Dean spoke bitterly. "I need some damn air."

The door slammed shut behind him, leaving you with a stunned expression on your face.

"Don't mind him too much," Sam said quietly. "He's blaming himself for this and he doesn't handle that well."

"Why would he blame himself? There's no need to."

Sam smiled sadly. "I can't tell you that, but he means well, you know. I know he's been harsh about this whole hunting thing but that's because he knows what it's like. He doesn't want that for you."

You nodded. "I know. But it seems like I don't really have a choice anymore, do I?"

"I'm not sure you do, no. I'm sorry."

You shook your head. "It's okay. Honestly, I think... I think I'm okay with this. Sure, the demons coming after me is no walk in the park, but at least I feel like I have some purpose now, you know? I could become a hunter and help people like me."

Sam smiled at you. "I think you're pretty brave, (Y/N). You remind me of Dean sometimes."

"You calling me stubborn and annoying?" you joked.

He laughed. "Well, you can be awfully stubborn, but I wouldn't say annoying, no. I just mean to say that the two of you seem to have more in common than you think. I guess it's why he cares so much about you getting into hunting, hm?"

"I guess," you mumbled. "I just don't understand why me? Why would those demons come after me? I didn't even know they existed. I just don't get it."

Sam swallowed harshly. "Yeah, well..." he trailed off. "Demons just don't make a lot of sense, I guess."

"None of this does," you laughed lightly. "Like seriously, your lives are crazy."

Sam chuckled. "Well, get used to it because you're stuck with us now."

"If I'm gonna get used to this, I'll need some sleep first," you yawned. "It has been a day."

"I'll go see where Dean's at. You just worry about getting ready for bed."

"Thanks, Sammy."


By the time Sam had convinced Dean to get back to the room, you were already on the couch wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. You didn't look up when the two men entered, the two of them still bickering quietly among themselves.

Dean went straight to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Sam offered you a reassuring smile. "He's just in a mood," he said quietly. "He'll get over it, don't worry."

You nodded but were far too tired to make the effort to respond to that. Dean had been confusing you all week now. The first week – before you got your memories back – you had loved being around him. He was funny, sweet, and always ready to help you with whatever you needed, whether that involved getting you some water or chatting with you to make the time go by.

But ever since you got your memories back, he'd been acting weird around you. At first, you noticed him trying to ignore you. When that didn't work out for him, he decided to keep his conversations with you cold and brief, entirely unlike the conversations you shared with him before. To add to that, he was constantly picking fights with you. Constantly getting mad over something that had to do with you.

Yet, there will still moments when you could see the soft side of Dean Winchester. When you had gone back to your apartment to retrieve some of your things, he hadn't let you lift a finger. He insisted on carrying your bags for you and guiding you to and from his car. The ride over there had likewise been different. You and Dean shared a love for classic rock, so you jammed out together to his CDs.

Of course, the ride back had been horrible and tense after yet another argument with him.

Whatever it was that had him behaving this way, you were desperate for it to end. You were going to be living in the bunker with him and Sam. You'd be around him all the time! The least he could do was act normal around you. Yet... you couldn't shake the feeling that he did not want you with them at all.

You felt drawn to him, yet he was insistent on pushing you away. It hurt, you weren't going to lie. It hurt a lot.

You looked up as Dean finally emerged from the bathroom. He didn't look at you and went straight to his bed, getting under the covers and ignoring everything else.

You sighed quietly, feeling tears burn your eyes. You wiped them away, deciding that this wasn't your fault. This was an issue Dean clearly had to work through and you weren't going to bother him any longer. You'd avoid him at the bunker and only interact with him when you needed to.

You wiped another tear that had slipped from your cheeks, pushing your face deeper into the blanket. You didn't need the boys seeing you cry.

But Sam noticed, and he promised to give his brother hell in the morning. 

There's a bad moon on the rise...

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