Chapter 6: Her

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Dean looked at his brother, a sorrowful look on his face.

Sam nodded slightly, his eyes sad and worried. "We gotta tell her, Dean," he whispered.

Dean nodded. He turned back to you, his hand still on your back as quiet sniffles escaped you.

"I know it sounds crazy and I know it is, but it's what I saw," you whispered.

"It's not crazy," Sam started. He let out a sigh, not quite sure how to start the conversation that was gonna turn your life upside down.

"Listen, princess," Dean said, taking over. "What you saw – the black eyes – you weren't imagining that. We've seen it before."

"You have?" you croaked.

He nodded. "We have. Many times, in fact."


"Look, sweetheart, this isn't an easy conversation to have. What we're about to tell you – it's going to change everything, okay?"

You nodded hesitantly, not knowing where this was heading.

"What you saw was a demon," Sam said plainly. "A demon possessing a person. That's why his eyes turned black."

You stared at Sam and at Dean, your eyes widened in shock. "A de-demon? That- That can't be real. You have got to be making that up."

Dean shook his head. "We're not making it up. I wish we were. Demons are real. In fact, Sammy and I, we hunt them. That's the family business we told you about a few days ago. We're hunters."

You gaped at him. "Hunters? Demon hunters?"

"Demons and pretty much all other monsters."

"Other?" you squeaked.

"Dean," Sam sighed. "A gentler approach would have been helpful."

"She has to know anyway, Sam. Might as well be clear about it."

"Monsters," you wheezed, "are real? Monsters are real. Demons are real. I was- I was kidnapped by a demon, and you-you're hunters. You hunt monsters. You hunt – Holy shit."

Sam offered you a weak smile. "I know it's a lot to take in, but it's the truth. You deserved to know."

"I- " you stammered. "I need a moment."

Sam and Dean nodded, getting up to leave the room.

"Just shout if you need us, okay? We'll come check on you later," Dean assured.

You felt nausea creep up your throat as the door to the bedroom shut. You wrapped a hand around your mouth to keep the vomit in. You shook your head, tears slipping from your eyes.

Monsters. Demons. It was all real.

And the people who saved you from the side of the road hunted them. Hunters.

That's their family business. What kind of fucking family does that?!

You rubbed your face with your hands. This was insane. This whole week had been insane. Your life was now insane.


A few hours later, you had calmed down enough that you let the boys back into the room. They were both sitting opposite you on the bed, staring awkwardly at you as they waited for you to say something first.

You swallowed thickly. "So, monsters, huh?" you offered weakly.

Sam smiled. "Yeah, monsters."

"All real?"

"All real," Dean confirmed.

"That fucking sucks," you breathed, covering your face with your hands.

Dean couldn't help the soft chuckle that left his lips. "For what it's worth, we'll find the demon who did this to you."

"And we'll take care of him," Sam added. "He won't ever do it to someone else, too."

You nodded. "How will you find this... demon?" The word left a bitter taste in your mouth.

"Well, we start with research like we always do," Sam explained. "Eventually, we will find him and when we do, we'll... deal with him."

"Can I help somehow?" you asked. "I want this thing gone. I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep ever again knowing he was still out there."

"Is that night all you remember?" Sam asked carefully. "If you remembered something else – about your life, perhaps your name – it would make the research a lot easier."

"Yeah, I- I think I remember everything again. I guess it all kind of came back with that dream."

"That's good news," Dean suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "Mind telling us your name? Would be nice to have a name to go with the pretty face," he chuckled.

You smiled slightly. "Yeah. My name's (Y/N). (Y/N)(Y/L/N)."

Sam's mouth fell open, his eyes going wide.

Dean froze in place, staring at you wide-eyed. A range of emotions passed through his eyes all at once. Abruptly, he stood up.

"Right. Right. I'll- eh, I'll get you some water." He turned around and quickly left the room.

Sam stood up, immediately going after his brother. "Dean! Dean, no! Dean!"

You stared at the door as it slammed shut behind them. You just told them your name, but they acted like you had told them Santa Claus wasn't real. You felt confused. Hurt and confused.

What the hell was going on? 


Let me know what you're thinking about the story so far! As always, thank you so much for reading! <3

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