Chapter 24: Slow Ride

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"That was awesome!" you gushed. "This car is amazing. I still can't believe you own one of these, Dean!"

He shot you a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, too bad you almost crashed her!"

"What?" you called out indignantly. "Did you miss those amazing turns I made? How perfectly I parked?"

Dean scoffed. "You manhandled her! You gotta be gentle with Baby. Ease her into it."

You stared at him, an incredulous grin on your face. "I'm beginning to think you should have taken your car on a date instead of me."

"You can't date a car. That's weird," Dean grumbled.

You laughed at him, bringing your hand to his hair. "I'm sorry I manhandled your car. It won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't. You're never driving Baby again."

"We'll see about that," you grinned.

Once Dean got over his moping, he helped you out of the car and walked back to the bunker with you. Your arms were locked together and you were tucked into his side, hiding from the chilly breeze.

"I liked tonight," Dean spoke suddenly. "I'm not a words kinda guy, I know. But I had a good time tonight. Thought I should let you know."

You smiled up at him. "I really liked tonight, too."

Dean held open the door for you before following you inside. Sam was nowhere to be seen, but you could hear faint music coming from his bedroom where you suspected he was hiding to give you and Dean some privacy.

"You want a beer?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

He grabbed one for himself and sat down in one of the chairs at the map table.

You sat down across from him, folding your arms to rest your chin on. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Princess."

"This soulmate thing. What does that mean?"

Dean froze for a moment, awkwardly clearing his throat. "I'm not sure. I don't know that much about it either."

"What do you know?" you asked hesitantly.

"Well, I know my parents were soulmates."

"They were? That's so sweet," you smiled.

"Yeah," he breathed. "They really were perfect for each other. Dad never got over her death."

"I'm sorry," you whispered. "It must've been hard for you, too."

He smiled sadly. "Yeah, it was."

"You don't have to talk about it, you know. I don't like talking about my parents either. Hurts too much."

He nodded.

It was quiet for a moment.

"They're destined to be together," Dean spoke up. "Soulmates, I mean. Cas said soulmates are created for each other."

"That's –" you trailed off, not sure what you wanted to say.

"Intense?" Dean finished.

You breathed a laugh. "Yeah."

"I know."

"How about we just ignore it for now?" you offered. "To take off the pressure and just see how things go."

"Yeah. That sounds good."

"Good," you agreed. "As long as I get to drive your car again."

He let out a laugh. "I will never make that mistake again, Princess!"


"Morning, guys," Sam greeted as he entered the room. He sat down at the table where you and Dean were already sharing breakfast. "How was last night?"

You smiled. "It was good," you confessed. "I drove Baby!"

Dean rolled his eyes. "And nearly crashed her, too!"

"Don't listen to him, Sam. I was amazing. You should have seen me!" you enthused.

Sam chuckled. "Looked like you two had a good time last night. Hope you don't mind waiting before your next date."

"What do you mean?" Dean inquired.

"Found a case," Sam answered, reaching for his laptop and showing his brother a couple of suspicious news articles.

"What are you thinking? Vamps?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, definitely. Doesn't seem like a big nest, but still needs to be taken care of. It's not too far from here. Figured we could go take care of it tonight."

"Can I come?" you asked.

Sam looked at his brother, watching the wheels turn in his head as he pondered the decision.

Dean knew you wanted to become a hunter and as much as he hated the thought of that, he also knew he would not be able to stop you. Taking you with them would be safer than you going off on your own out of protest.

"Fine," he agreed. "You can come."

You gaped at him. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yes, but you'll be doing everything Sam and I tell you to do. We're taking the lead and you'll follow. If you wanna become a hunter, you gotta learn first. You've killed a demon already, now you'll have to learn how to kill a vamp."

"Two demons," you corrected. "I've killed two demons already."

"And you've got a lot more to learn, Princess."

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