Chapter 36: A Day in the Life of Sammy

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Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for your support on this story so far! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, too! This one will be slightly different to the rest of the book as it is written in Sam's POV!

I wrote this chapter with 'When Will My Life Begin' VERY stuck in my head by the way.


Seven A.M., my usual morning run. I hadn't slept much last night. Ever since Cas healed Dean after his werewolf incident, he and (Y/N) had been going at it constantly. I was happy for him, of course. He's my brother and he deserves to be happy. Does it have to be so loud, though?

I wiped my mouth on the kitchen towel after downing my protein shake and put my shoes on with a sigh. The same old routine as any other day without a case. It was starting to get old.

By the time I left the bunker, it was 7:15. The sun was just about coming up as I jogged down the dirt road to warm up for my run. Taking a deep breath, I cleared my mind.

Running was the only way I could ever fully clear my head on days like these. Days where the world just felt a little too heavy. I'd been having more of those days lately.

I returned to the bunker two hours later. Passing the kitchen where I could hear (Y/N) and Dean chatting, I quickly made my way to the shower.

"I made waffles, Sam!" (Y/N) called after me.

"Be there in a second!" I yelled back.

I quickly showered and changed into some clean clothes before making my way to the kitchen. "Morning, guys," I greeted.

(Y/N) offered me a small smile and handed me a plate with a couple of waffles and some syrup. She had made a smiley face on the waffles with some sliced strawberries.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."

"No problem. I know how much you like waffles," she beamed.

"You alright, Sammy? You look tired, man," Dean remarked.

I bit back a comment about what had been keeping me up all night and simply nodded. "Yeah, fine."

"Well, you don't look it. Forgot to brush your hair, Rapunzel?" Dean joked.

(Y/N) smacked his chest. "Don't be mean," she scolded.

"Forgot that the walls are thin?" I shot back.

Dean looked surprised for a second before he burst out laughing. "Sorry, man. We'll keep that in mind next time," he chuckled.

(Y/N) looked mortified. "I'm so sorry," she said, her hand covering her mouth.

I chuckled. "It's fine, no worries."

Soon, lunch rolled around. We gathered around the map table and ate the burgers Dean had made. I had to admit, they were delicious. Not that I would admit that out loud. It would only encourage his ego. Wouldn't want that.

"So, any plans for today?" (Y/N) asked, looking at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, actually. I was thinking I'd head out for the afternoon. There's a farmer's market in town that I wanted to check out."

Dean cringed slightly at the mention of it. He hadn't forgotten what happened last time at a farmer's market. It was one of the worst days of his life when (Y/N) hadn't returned. I quickly moved on with the conversation.

"Anyway," I started, "I might be back a bit late. Might stop by the library to check out some books on mythology. I've been meaning to do that."

"Sounds like fun," (Y/N) smiled. "Dean and I are going into town today. There's a new movie playing we want to go see."

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