Chapter 10: Lonely Motel Blues

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You followed the boys to the motel room Sam had already paid for.

Dean opened the door, stepping inside and switching on the light. He stiffened, jaw clenching and eyes shut. "Sam," he growled. "There's only two beds."

Sam entered the room, setting his bag down on one of the beds. "That's weird!" he said, slightly too cheerily. "I specifically asked for three. Must not have been any other rooms available," he smirked.

"Of course there weren't," Dean mocked, throwing his bag on the floor.

You entered the room, momentarily stopping in your tracks. "Oh," you said, noticing the bed situation. "Well, I'll take the couch, I guess," you shrugged, already dropping your bags on the red sofa.

"Absolutely not," Sam quickly argued. "You're still recovering from your injuries, (Y/N)! You need a proper bed to sleep in."

"Well, there's only two," you pointed out. "And you are both far too big to stay on the couch, so I'll take the couch. It's fine."

"Or you can bunk with one of us," Sam shrugged. "Probably don't wanna bunk with me, though. I hit people in my sleep," he laughed.

Dean had his hand on his face and the other hand clenched into a fist. His little brother was gonna be the death of him one day. And he had a feeling that this day would be the one.

You laughed lightly. "I'll be fine, Sam. I can take the couch."

Sam mumbled something under his breath, eyeing his brother who looked like he was about to burst. "You cool with that, Dean?"

"She can sleep where she wants to sleep," he muttered, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Dean opened his duffel bag, pulling out some permanent markers and paint. "Let's get this room decorated in devil's traps before we go."

"Devil's traps?" you asked.

Sam nodded. "If a demon steps into one, they will be stuck and unable to hurt anyone. We're gonna draw a couple in this room to make sure you're safe while we're out."

"Right," you breathed. "That's good, I guess."

"Don't go messing with these traps, alright?" Dean warned. "They'll keep you safe."

You watched as the boys drew a couple of devil's traps in front of the doors and windows in the motel room. You paid close attention to them, taking in every detail for when you'd have to draw them yourself one day.

Dean dumped the paint back in his bag, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Alright," he started, turning to you. "Sammy and I are gonna go take care of this demon. You stay here, understood?"

You rolled your eyes, but nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I get it."

"I'm serious, (Y/N)! Under no circumstances do you leave this room. I don't care what happens, you are staying here. You do not leave for anything. If you want ice or snacks, that's your problem. You are not leaving this room, and you will not open that door for anyone. Alright?" With each word, his voice boomed louder. He was right in front of you, his broad shoulders cornering you against the wall.

"Dean," Sam sighed. "I think she got it. You don't have to be so harsh."

"I'm making sure she understands the risks here, Sammy!" He turned back to you. "If you leave this room, you could die. Understood?"

You swallowed thickly and nodded, staring up at Dean with wide eyes. There was a mix of feelings going through you right now. Fear, intimidation, surprise. And something you didn't quite know why you were feeling it at this moment. A blush heat up your cheeks as you stared at Dean's large, intimidating figure towering over you. Hot and bothered.

"Dean," Sam called. "Let's go."

He gave you one last look before nodding and following his brother outside. He turned to you in the doorway, offering you a lousy attempt at a reassuring smile. "It's gonna be alright, sweetheart. We'll be back soon, okay?"

You nodded at him, giving him a quick wave as he shut the door and walked away.

You sighed, sitting down on one of the beds. This was going to be a long night. 

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