Chapter 3: A Friendly Face

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The next morning, you woke up feeling less crap than the day before. Your limbs were still sore, but your head was hurting less and you were able to think a bit clearer.

It gave you the opportunity to think about your circumstances in a calmer way. You had been so overwhelmed by the bizarre situation you had found yourself in that you were barely able to keep yourself from passing out again. Now that the panic had subsided a bit, you were feeling a lot more at ease about the situation.

Sure, you were still in an unknown location with no memories, living with people who could be serial killers, but at least it wasn't a hospital. Right?

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and snuggled deeper into the red duvet. It was warm and soft and smelled of cologne. A scent you couldn't describe, but that you certainly appreciated.

You heard a soft chuckle at the other end of the room, which instantly had you sitting up in bed with wide eyes.

"Whoa there, sweetheart. Did not mean to startle you," Dean said quickly. "Just came to check up on you."

You blushed lightly and offered him an awkward smile. "It's fine," you mumbled quickly.

Dean walked up to you, handing you a plate with a sandwich and a glass of orange juice. "Sammy made you some breakfast. Figured you'd be pretty hungry by now."

"Thank you." You gratefully took the food and immediately took a small bite from your sandwich.

"Mind if I...?" Dean pointed at the bed.

You quickly shook your head. "No, that's okay."

Dean sat down on the edge of the mattress, keeping some distance between the two of you. He awkwardly cleared his throat. "So, how are you feeling?"

"A bit better," you answered. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"It's no problem, princess," he smiled sincerely. "Glad we were the ones who found you and not some creep."

You laughed lightly. "How do I know you're not creeps?"

Dean seemed surprised by your question. "Ehh..." he hesitated. "We're not!" he defended quickly. "Really, we're not creeps. We just want to help."

You smiled. "You don't look like a creep, so I think I believe you."

"Glad you think so," he chuckled.

You took another bite from your sandwich as silence filled the room. Yet, for some reason, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was odd. You hardly knew this man, but you already started to feel more at ease around him. Perhaps it was his humour? Or maybe it was the soft expression on his face as he captured your gaze.

You blushed slightly, putting the sandwich back on the plate. "Really, though," you said softly. "I appreciate you helping me. You have no idea who I am or what happened to me, yet you're still offering me your help. That's kind of you."

Dean chuckled. "No need to thank me. I'm happy to help." He moved a little closer to where you were sitting, a small smirk playing on his lips. "It's quite nice having someone in my bed actually."

Your eyes went wide as your cheeks turned a furious shade of red. "This- This is your room?"

Dean nodded proudly. "Sure is. You know, I don't just let anyone stay here either. Seems like you're pretty special."

You giggled nervously. "You didn't have to give up your bedroom for me."

"You needed the bed more than I did, sweetheart." He winked at you and you felt a tingle go down your spine.

"Where are you sleeping then?" you asked.

"Couch," he shrugged. "Least I could do."

"Sam didn't want to take the couch?" you joked.

"Sammy's too tall for the couch," he laughed.

You laughed along with him, enjoying how the corners of his eyes creased as smiled. He had a nice smile. You couldn't help but notice.

"I'll let you enjoy your breakfast," Dean spoke, patting your knee lightly as he stood up. "I'll come check on you later, yeah? Shout if you need anything."

You nodded and showed him a grateful smile.

As he stepped out of the room, you couldn't help but sigh a little. You felt butterflies in your stomach and it wasn't because the mayo in your sandwich had gone bad.

You were attracted to Dean. There was a connection there, you couldn't deny it. But it was ridiculous. You had known this man for one day and didn't really know anything about him. It was just his looks, you assured yourself. He was an attractive guy, that was all.

And surely, your current situation did not help. You definitely had a concussion and you couldn't remember who you were. Maybe you even had a boyfriend out there worrying about you right now.

You shook your head at yourself. You were being ridiculous and embarrassing yourself with all that damn blushing.

You put the plate next to the glass of orange juice on the nightstand, not really feeling hungry even though you had not eaten in a while. You rested your head back onto the pillow, breathing in the subdued cologne. You just needed to rest more, you thought. That's all. 

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