Chapter 28: All Right Now

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You wiped the blood off your forehead as you followed the boys back to the bunker. The three of you had just taken care of a vengeful spirit case just outside of town. Everything had been going according to plan until a group of teenagers showed up, wanting to see if the house really was haunted as it was rumoured to be.

The spirit had targeted the teenagers almost immediately, forcing you and the Winchester brothers to split up. You and Dean stayed with the group, while Sam went off to find the remains and burn them before anyone could get seriously hurt.

The spirit had different ideas, however. It was a lot more powerful than you had expected. It had been quite a fight, but luckily no one died. There were a couple of broken bones and a concussion among the group of teenagers who thought it was a fantastic idea to taunt the ghost, but other than that, everyone was fine.

Dean dumped the duffle bag and grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge. "Fucking teenagers," he grumbled. "Always doing stupid shit."

You took one of the beers, taking a few sips before abandoning the bottle. You had never been a fan of beer, but had been adopting the habit of drinking one after a case because of Sam and Dean. You never drank a whole bottle, though. Just enough to start feeling more like yourself again after dealing with monsters all night.

"You okay, (Y/N)?" Sam asked, noticing how you were staring at the floor with a frown on your face.

"Yeah, I just need a shower. I'll be fine," you mumbled.

Dean watched you as you pulled yourself up and shuffled towards your room to go take a shower. He knew something was wrong. You hadn't been on that many hunts yet and Dean had only let you come on this one because he thought it would be a simple salt and burn. However, things had gone bad quickly when those kids showed up and it had gotten to you.

Up until now, the hunts had bothered you, but you had always managed to shake it off. Dealing with monsters wasn't a walk in the park. It was terrifying and had you face to face with death all the time, but it was also incredibly rewarding to you. You were saving people and that was enough to keep a smile on your face at the end of the night.

This case had been very different, though. Kids had gotten hurt. No one died, but that easily could have happened had you made a mistake. You were still new to the hunting world and could have easily slipped up, resulting in someone dying.

You couldn't get those thoughts out of your head.

As the hot water cascaded down your body, you felt your eyes sting with tears. You sniffled and wiped at your cheeks to get the blood and dirt off. No one died, you kept trying to remind yourself. But that wasn't enough to quiet your mind.

Quiet sobs echoed against the bathroom tiles as you washed your hair and watched the water foam at your feet. No one died. They were going to be okay.

You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't hear the bathroom door quietly open, nor did you hear the shuffling before the shower door creaked open and someone got in behind you.

You yelped in surprise as Dean's hands found their way around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulders.

"Dean –" you gulped, suddenly very aware of the situation you were in. A situation you had not been in before with Dean.

"It's okay," he muttered. "I've got you."

Tears filled your eyes again. The panic and insecurity you felt at having Dean in the shower with you – at being so exposed to him for the first time ever – instantly evaporated and you felt yourself melt into him.

You turned in his grip and held onto him as the tears once again fell. "I'm sorry," you croaked.

"Don't apologise. It was a tough case. It always is when kids get involved," he assured you.

You nodded, allowing him to hold you and stroke your hair. It took some time, but he eventually calmed you down and you were able to stand securely on your own feet again. "Thank you," you mumbled.

"No worries, Princess," he shot you a cheeky smile.

You noticed the look on his face and blushed, immediately remembering that you were in the shower together. "You could have waited until I got out of the shower," you simpered.

"And listen to you crying by yourself? Absolutely not," he defended. His lips spread into a bold grin. "Besides," he whispered, running his hands down your sides, "you look good without clothes on."

You chuckled, feeling your face heat up. "So do you."

"Guess it was about time I joined you for a shower," he grinned.

"I guess it was," you shyly agreed. "Taking it slow was getting kind of tough."

He chuckled. "Imagine how I felt, Princess. It's not easy having such a gorgeous woman in your bed and not do anything about it."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your face closer to his. "Thank you for taking it slow, though," you whispered, the sincerity in your voice bringing a small smile to Dean's lips.

"Anything for you, Sweetheart," he whispered back.

You stared at each other for a moment, both hesitating to take the step you were bound to take tonight.

"How about we get out of this shower and go someplace more comfortable?" he offered gruffly, searching your eyes for any indication that you weren't ready yet.

You nodded. "I'd like that."

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