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Three years later...

The doorbell rang as you rushed to get the pie out of the oven and onto the cooling rack.

"Dean," you called, "get the door, please! I'm busy!"

"Got it!" Dean called back. He gently put his daughter back in her crib and went for the door.

Sam's face lit up with a bright smile as Dean opened the door. "Hey, man," he greeted. "It's good to see you. Been a while."

Dean hugged his brother, patting him on the back. "Yeah, the dad life hasn't been easy. Glad you're here."

"Wouldn't want to miss out on meeting my little niece." Sam handed his brother a pink gift bag. "A little something from Eileen and me."

"Congratulations, Dean," Eileen smiled.

"Thank you," Dean replied, signing the words with his hands as well. He quickly hugged Eileen and welcomed them inside. "The little one is right in here."

Sam and Eileen leaned over the crib, cooing and awing at the sight of the little girl.

Dean smiled proudly, feeling a warm glow spread throughout his body at seeing his family together. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" he breathed.

Sam nodded, eyes shiny with tears. "She's beautiful, man. I'm happy for you."

"Seems like I got the apple pie life after all, huh?" Dean chuckled, his voice thick with emotion. "Gotta admit. I thought I'd be dead by now."

"We got out of the life, Dean. Not many hunters can say that," Sam croaked. "I'm proud of us. I mean, look at you! Dean Winchester married and a father. If dad could see you right now, he'd have a heart attack."

Dean chuckled, wiping the stray tear rolling down his cheek with his thumb. "Yeah, it's been surreal, Sammy. But it's been fucking awesome."

The two brothers shared a laugh. "You're gonna be an amazing dad, Dean. Little Mary Ellen Winchester is lucky to have you and (Y/N) as parents."

"Where is (Y/N)?" Eileen wondered.

Dean shook his head with a laugh. "She's in the kitchen. That woman insisted on baking a pie today. I don't know how she does it. She gave birth three weeks ago."

"I'm here!" you announced. You hugged Sam and Eileen as they congratulated you.

"She looks exactly like you, (Y/N)," Sam complimented.

"She does have my nose, it seems," you laughed, "but she has Dean's eyes."

Your husband wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a soft kiss to your head. "I hope she takes after you more than me. I need my little girl as tough as her mother if I'm going to survive the teenage dating phase."

You laughed lightly. "You'll have plenty of time to prepare yourself for that, Love."

He smiled at you, a smile so full of love and emotion that it brought tears to your eyes.

"Damn hormones," you chuckled, wiping at your eyes.

The doorbell rang again and Sam went to get it. Soon, your living room filled up with more loved ones, pink balloons, and gifts wrapped in bows.

Jody rushed over to Dean and engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug. "Look at you!" she cooed.

Dean squeezed her tight. "Thanks for coming, Jody."

"Of course! I wouldn't have missed it for the world!" she gushed. "Oh, look at her, Dean. She's gorgeous."

"Yeah, she is. Next one gets named after you, though," he chuckled.

"Next one?" you cut in. "Please let me heal from pushing this one out before talking about the next one."

Jody came up to you for a hug. "Look at you, mama. You're glowing with pride."

"Thank you, Jody. I'm glad you're here. I could use another mother's insights," you sighed.

"You'll be a fantastic mother, (Y/N). I remember when I held my little boy for the first time. It's a kind of love that transcends everything. Making mistakes along the way will never take that away."

You smiled sincerely. "Thanks, Jody."

"My turn," Bobby interrupted. He immediately wrapped his strong arms around Dean and whispered, "I'm proud of you, son."

Dean nodded softly, tightening his grip on the man he had always considered a father figure. The lump in his throat was too thick for him to attempt to speak without giving away his tears, so he settled for a strong embrace and Bobby understood him all the same.

"Thank you for coming, Bobby," you smiled, giving him a hug, too.

"You've made the most precious thing on earth, (Y/N). She'll be just like you when she grows up."

A gust of wind swept through the room, followed by a deep voice asking, "where is the child?"

Dean chuckled. "Hello to you, too, Cas. She's right here."

The angel leaned over the crib, a soft smile spreading on his face. "Yes, she looks very human. That's excellent, Dean. Congratulations."

Dean shook his head with a laugh and accepted the angel's hug. "Thanks, man."

"Now that we're all here, who would like some pie?" you offered.

Naturally, your husband was the first to raise his hand, making everyone laugh.

"I'll cut the pie," Jody said. "You sit down and relax, mama."

As the guests made their way to the kitchen to receive a slice of pie, you and Dean gathered by your daughter's crib.

Dean wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against him. "Thank you," he whispered.

You smiled, leaning into his embrace. "Thank you as well, Dean."

You looked at each other for a moment before Dean leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you," he muttered against your lips.

"I love you, too."



Hi, everyone!

I just wanted to thank you all for reading my story and for being SO supportive along the way! I appreciate your every vote and comment so much! We already hit 50K reads on this book yesterday! Thank you!!

This is the end of the story and, as much as I'll miss writing it, I'm glad I could give Dean Winchester the happy ending he deserved.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this book as much as I loved writing it. ♥

Have a wonderful day!

Love, @Just_A_Sherlockian

PS. Look out for any bonus chapters I might write in the future 😉

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