Chapter 32: Rescue

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You slowly peeled your eyes open at hearing commotion outside of the barn. There were people shouting at each other and hurried footsteps. Your head snapped up as you heard a loud scream and a thud, followed by another cry of pain.

You instantly sat up, ignoring the protests your body was making against the sudden movements. There were more screams outside and people running, getting closer and closer to the door of the room you were in.

You tried to shout for help, praying to anyone who could hear you that Dean had finally found you, but no sound would leave your aching throat. You were stuck in your chair, waiting for someone to enter the barn and praying that it would be Dean.

As the barn door swung open, you held your breath. 

You let out an anguished cry at seeing Amon, covered in blood but still standing strong, dragging an unconscious Dean inside.

He dropped the hunter to the floor, clutching the demon blade in his hand. "Funny little blade this thing," Amon seethed. "Killed three of my demons. Too bad it takes a bit more to kill me."

You frantically shook your head as tears slipped down your cheeks. "Dean!" you cried. "Dean, wake up!"

At hearing your desperate pleas, Dean woke up with a groan. He turned on his back and tried to sit up to find you, but Amon shoved his boot against Dean's chest and kicked him back down into the sand.

Dean looked up, a fierce anger in his eyes. "I'm going to kill you," he threatened.

Amon smirked. "I'd like to see you try, Winchester. Tie him up!"

Two demons rushed into the barn and tied Dean up, dragging him towards the wall opposite you so he would have a full view of your suffering. Dean grunted and fought against the demons and the restraints, but the earlier fight had clearly done a number on him.

"Let her go," he seethed. "She has nothing to do with any of this! It's me you want!"

Amon crouched down in front of him. "It's your pain that I want. And what better way to get it than to torture your soulmate right in front of you. Who knows? Maybe after she finally gives out, I'll have a go at your brother next."

Dean shot forward, attempting to knock Amon down but the demon was quicker and took a step back as he laughed.

"So full of fight still! I remember when (Y/N) still struggled that much! Of course, that didn't last too long after I got started," he smirked.

For the first time since being dragged into the barn, Dean dared to look at you. What he saw nearly broke him right then and there. He shut his eyes and turned his head away, biting back the burning tears that threatened to spill.

You were tied to the chair you had been in for six days now. The ropes were stained red and had left deep cuts and bruises on your skin. Your clothes were ripped and covered in blood and he could see the cuts and bruises littering your skin. Your face was bruised and swollen, but your eyes were still the same. Unwavering and strong. 

Dean bit his lip and looked at you again. "I'm so sorry, Sweetheart," he spoke, his voice trembling. "I should have gone with you. I shouldn't have let you go out on your own."

You softly shook your head, mustering up a small smile despite how badly it hurt. "It's not your fault," you whispered.

Your face contorted in pain as Amon punched you in the stomach. You let out a loud groan and doubled over as far as you could with the ropes holding you back. You could hear Dean shouting and threatening Amon to stay away from you, but his pleas were hardly registering in your mind. All you could think of was the pain.

Amon turned back to Dean, a cruel grin on his face. "See how easy it is for me to hurt you, Winchester? How much you've fallen for this girl and how much it hurts to watch her suffer?"

Dean gritted his teeth. "Don't you dare touch her again."

"Or what?" Amon mocked fear. "You'll kill me? Tied up like that? I'd pay to see you attempt that!"

Dean cursed, hopelessly pulling at his restraints. His eyes involuntarily flicked towards you. He felt his heart shatter, the sight of you knocking the breath right out of him. But not in a good way like when you'd walk out of the bathroom all dressed up and ready to go on a date with him. Looking so beautiful and so right that Dean would forget how to breathe.

No, this time the feeling was much worse. This time, it was like his lungs were on fire. Burning the life out of him as he was forced to watch you be beaten. He'd give everything right now to trade places with you. Anything to relieve you of your pain. He'd sell his soul to Lucifer himself and be trapped in the pit forever if it meant you would be okay.

Dean would do anything for you, yet he never got to tell you before the demons took you. He never got to tell you how much he loved you and how happy you made him. He only hoped that the plan he concocted with his brother and their angel friend would prevail. He only hoped that he could tell you he loved you before it was too late. Just not like this.

Amon was talking again – as he did best – but neither you nor Dean heard him. Dean fiercely held your gaze, begging you with his eyes to keep fighting just a little longer. Just a little longer and help would come to get you out of there.

The demon blade striking his face snapped him back to reality. He felt his cheek sting, blood dripping down his jaw.

"Don't think you're still safe, Winchester," Amon hissed, landing a punch on Dean's jaw. "I have plenty of torture prepared for the both of you."

Dean spit out the blood in his mouth and stared at Amon with a coldness even the sun couldn't melt. He bared his teeth, his lips pulling into a cruel grin. "I'd like to see you try."

Before Amon could reply, a hand grabbed him by the neck from behind. His eyes and mouth began to glow as Amon screamed in pain. Then, his body dropped to the floor. His eyes burnt out of his skull. 

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