Chapter 7: Perfect Strangers

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"No, Sam!" Dean bellowed. He pulled open the fridge, taking out a beer and chugging it as soon as the cap came off.

"Dean," Sam tried, "This is good! This is great even! She's your –"

"Don't you say it," he warned. "I do not want to hear it."

"She's your soulmate, Dean. This is huge! You can't just ignore it!"

"Yes, I can!" he shouted.

"Dean, please," Sam begged. "Go back in there. Talk to her. Anything!"

He shook his head. "I can't do that, Sammy. It's not happening."

"Why not?"

"Because, Sam!" Dean roared. "This is no life for her! We are hunters. We don't get to have these things without consequences. People die around us, Sam!"

Sam pointed at the door. "That girl in there just found out that monsters exist, Dean. That she was kidnapped by demons. She must be terrified right now! You should go in there and comfort her!"

"You do it," Dean grumbled.

"I'm not her soulmate, Dean."

"Neither am I!" he yelled. "I don't have a soulmate. I don't care what that baby angel in a trench coat told me because it's ridiculous! Soulmates can be real for all I care, but I do not have one."

Sam sighed, softly shaking his head. "Dean, can't you see? She got attacked by a demon before she even met us. That's not your fault! Not everything that happens to people is your fault."

"She can't stay here, Sammy. We're taking her back to her own place. She's got her memories back, she'll be fine."

"And what if that demon goes looking for her again? What then? You don't think she'd be a lot safer at the bunker with us? Where we can protect her? We know how to kill a demon, Dean! She doesn't," Sam argued.

Dean cursed under his breath, dragging a hand across his face. "Fine, but I'm not talking to her. We are gonna gank this demon and then she goes home. Got it?"

Sam nodded, a plan already forming in his head. "Deal. I'm gonna head back to her room. She's probably even more confused than she already was because of your childish behaviour."

"Shut up, Sam," Dean grumbled.

As soon as Sam was out of sight, Dean sank to the floor, his back against the brick wall. He stared up at the ceiling, feeling a lump grow in his throat. He swallowed thickly, blinking roughly a few times to keep his eyes from watering.

When he heard your name roll off your lips, the whole world around him had stopped. A whirlwind of emotions crashed through him as his body sat frozen in place, staring at the girl in front of him. The girl that had been staying at the bunker with them for a week. His soulmate. Right under his nose this whole time.

At the sound of your name, he felt his heart explode. For a year, he had dreams of that name. Dreams of this mystery girl that was apparently destined to be with him. Some of these dreams were good. Most were bad.

When he heard you say your name, it was the good dreams he thought of first. Hope filled his chest like someone had switched on a flashlight in his heart. His pulse sped up, he felt his palms sweat. He felt thrilled, awake.

Then he remembered all the bad dreams and the spark of hope was quickly replaced by a pang of crushing guilt. The guilt of a man who had lost so many people close to him. A man who could not bear to lose another.

You were his soulmate. As much as his head wanted to deny that, his heart simply wouldn't let him. It felt right, but it wasn't. He was a hunter. He was danger. All who got close to him died. He couldn't do that to his soulmate. He couldn't involve his soulmate in this lifestyle. He couldn't lose her.

He couldn't lose you.

A deep sigh fell from his lips. Dean could not deny to himself that he had enjoyed your company. You were funny and loud. You weren't afraid to speak your mind or tease him back if he annoyed you on purpose. He liked that.

Not to mention, he thought you were drop-dead gorgeous. Seeing you walk around in his shirts all week because they had found you without any of your belongings was driving him nuts. Seeing you sleep in his bed all week... Well, that led to a few interesting dreams on occasion.

He was attracted to you, clearly. But he had been attracted to lots of women in his life, been with many women over the years. Yet, this felt different. Very different. And it scared the crap out of him.

He would do his best to find this demon and kill him. Until then, he would try to ignore you. He couldn't let you get close to him. He couldn't let himself start to care too much. You didn't deserve that.

So, that was the plan. Ignore you. Kill the demon. Take you home.

Easy as pie.

Yeah, sure...

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