Chapter 9: Old Lives Gone

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"Thank you for taking me home to get some things, Dean," you smiled, getting back in the car.

He offered you a small smile in return. "No problem. You got a nice place."

"I got it a year ago when I moved to Kansas for a job opportunity. It's small, but it's cosy and the neighbourhood seemed pretty safe at the time." You sighed softly. "Clearly, that wasn't the case."

Dean frowned at the defeated look on your face. "We'll catch this bastard, alright? You can go back to your normal life, I'll make sure of that."

You smiled sadly. "I don't think I can."

"What do you mean?"

"A demon kidnapped me, Dean. And now, all of a sudden, I know that monsters are real. How can I go back to a normal life when I know that there are such horrible things out there hurting people? I can't just sit back and let that happen, you know?"

Dean sighed, dragging a hand across his face. This was exactly what he was afraid of. "(Y/N)," he started, "this life – it's no good life. You don't want this, sweetheart."

"You do it."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should be doing it."

"Why? I can help!" you argued. "I want to help people, too, Dean!"

"(Y/N)," he asserted, his voice slightly rising. "You don't even know half of what is out there or what Sammy and I have dealt with!"

"Then tell me!" you pleaded. "Look, I'm not an idiot, I can tell you have been ignoring me. I can tell you are trying to keep me out of this, but you don't have to! I can help!"

"You are not becoming a hunter, (Y/N)!" he bellowed.

Your lips snapped shut at his outburst, your eyes widening in surprise.

Dean sighed, covering his face with his hands for a moment. "Look, sweetheart, I didn't mean to yell at you," he began, his voice calmer this time, "but the hunter life is bad. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially not you."

"Why? What is it about me that makes you think I couldn't make a good hunter?"

"That's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?" you pushed. "Why not me?"

Dean gritted his teeth, staring out the side window. He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "It's nothing. I just don't want you giving up your normal, safe life for hunting the supernatural. No one should do that. I was raised in this life, there is no other life for me, but there is for you. You already have it. Stick with it."

"Well, this normal, safe life got me kidnapped and beaten by a demon," you snapped. You turned around, facing the window. "Let's just go back to the bunker."

Dean took a second to look at you, his eyes holding grief and sadness. He tore his eyes away from you, starting up the car and speeding out the parking lot.

An agonizing thirty minutes later, you finally got back to the bunker. You swiftly got out of the car, grabbing your bags, and hurrying back inside. The silence in the car had been dreadful and tense. You wanted out of there.

"Hey, guys," Sam greeted. "Everything go alright?"

"Fine," Dean grunted, slumping into a chair with a beer. "Just fine."

Sam frowned as he looked between the two of you. You weren't making eye contact with anyone, keeping your gaze fixed on the floor instead. You were upset and so was Dean. That much was clear.

"I found something while you were gone," Sam spoke carefully. "I think I figured out where our demon is hiding."

That had you sitting upright in your chair. "You did?"

He nodded. "Yeah, an abandoned warehouse not too far from here. About an eight hour drive. I suggest we go there first thing in the morning and get this guy before he decides to hide somewhere else."

You took a deep breath to steady yourself, suddenly feeling the panic invade your body again.

Dean's eyebrows knitted together in worry, the argument you had instantly forgotten. "You alright there, princess?"

You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. This is just- This is just getting a bit intense all of a sudden."

"We'll take care of it, okay?" Sam offered. "You don't have to get involved. We'll get a motel room somewhere where you can stay while we take care of it. We're not letting that demon anywhere near you again."

"Shouldn't I help?" you challenged. "I mean, I'm the one he's after. Shouldn't I be there to help you guys deal with him?"

"We've got a lot of experience hunting demons, (Y/N). We don't need your help," Dean pushed back.

"Yeah, but –" you tried.

"Don't make me repeat myself again, (Y/N)! You are not hunting and that's final!"

Sam awkwardly cleared his throat. "I see this is not the first time this conversation has come up."

"Dean wants me to go back to my old life after this is over, but I don't think I can do that anymore," you confessed. "Now that I know about all these monsters killing people out there – how am I supposed to sit back and let that happen?"

"I get it," Sam said. "You want to help people, I get it."

Dean shot him a glare. "You cannot be serious right now? You're considering letting her hunt with us!"

Sam shrugged. "If that's what she wants, Dean, we should let her. She's gonna do it anyway! Don't you think it would be better if she did it with us? Learn all there is to know from us? Have the bunker at her disposal?"

"She shouldn't be hunting in the first place!" Dean argued.

"I'm right here, you know." You rolled your eyes. "And I want to do this, whether you'll help me or not."

Sam shot his brother an 'I told you so' look, much to Dean's dismay.

"Fine!" Dean groused. "You can come with us this time, but you are staying in the motel while Sam and I take care of it. Take it or leave it!"

You huffed. "Fine! But I should get to help!"

"You can help us by not getting yourself killed," Dean hissed.

You glared at him, gritting your teeth. "I'm going to bed. I'm tired of this."

"You do that," Dean bitched.

You shot him a final glare before turning and storming out of the room.

"That went well," Sam said awkwardly. "Really making a good impression on her, Dean. Way to go."

"At least I'm doing what is best for her Sam."


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