Chapter 30

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"Len you have to help me, I have no idea what I am supposed to wear!" Louis whines into the computer. He is currently on facetime with Lennox trying to get her help in picking an outfit for his date with Harry tonight. Harry dropped Louis and Liam off three hours ago after they returned home, telling Louis that he would pick him up at 7:30.

"Lou, breathe. We will find you something. Did Harry tell you what you are doing?" She asks settling her laptop on her bed.

"He is being a butthead and not telling me!" Louis whines, as he riffles through his closet trying to find an outfit for tonight, but nothing to him seems right. What does one wear on date with Harry freaking Styles.

"Okay well show me what you have as maybe's right now." Louis nods and moved to lay his three outfits he has as potentials down on the bed. The first outfit is a light grey jumper with black skinny jeans. The second outfit is a 3/4 sleeve black and white cotton baseball t-shirt with dark blue jeans. The final outfit is a red and black plaid fleece jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and black skinny jeans. All the outfits he plans to pair with his white vans and maybe a beanie.

"Um these are what I have." Louis points timidly at the clothes on his bed after flipping his camera around to show Lennox. His nerves are really starting to get to him, he wants this date to go well. He likes Harry so much that he doesn't want to even think about what would happen if this date is a disaster.

"Okay Louis they are all amazing and will look so good on you. I think wear the jumper since you know you will be outside." Lennox suggests.

"Okay yeah you are right. I don't know anything else that we are doing so I just hope that this is okay!" Louis breathes trying to settle his nerves. 

"Maybe text him and whine enough maybe he will give you more hints" Lennox laughs. "I will try he won't give me any more hints though." Louis sighs picking his phone off table and opening Harry's contact. 

Louis: Haaazzziiiiieeeeee

Hazzie 🐸: Babbbyyyy

Louis: Please tell me where we are going!

Hazzie 🐸: Nope 😀

Louis: Pleeeeaaaaaasseee 😢

Hazzie 🐸: Nope

Louis: Then I'm not going 😡

Hazzie 🐸: Do you really not want to go?

Louis: Of course I want to go but I don't know what to wear Hazzie. Please just tell me.

Hazzie 🐸: Wear whatever makes you feel happy. 

Louis: Hazzzzie that doesn't help me pleeaaase. 

Hazzie 🐸: How about I give you a hint.

Louis: Yes please!

Hazzie 🐸: You're adorable. Okay wear something with layers we will be outside.

Louis: Hazzie I know that already!  Give me a real hint!

Hazzie 🐸: okay okay fine.... It won't be overly active so jeans are fine to wear. Does that help?

Louis: yes! Thanks Hazzie! 😋

Hazzie 🐸 : Welcome baby. Now go get ready I will be there in half an hour!

Louis: Omg! Okay okay see you soon Hazzie can't wait! 🧡

Hazzie 🐸 : See you soon love

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