Chapter 35

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Louis is woken up the next morning by soothing circles being rubbed up and down his back. The touch almost sends him back to sleep until he breaths in that familiar vanilla spicy. Harry

He opens his eyes slightly to see those bright green eyes staring back down at him a pearly white smile to match. "Hazzie?" Louis mumbles sleep in his voice.

"Morning baby" Harry smiles laying down next to Louis pulling the boy into him embrace. "What time is it?" Louis mumbles snuggling into Harry's chest. The older lad warm, the blue jumper he's wearing soft to the touch as Louis rubs his face against it.

"Nearly 7:30 babes" Harry says and that gets Louis shooting up in his spot. "Shit Hazzie I'm late!" He panics moving to throw his blanket off of him trying to scramble out of his bed as quick as his little body will move him. He doesn't even get the blanket half off before Harry is stopping him.

"Baby stop for a second." Harry says gently trying to coax the younger lad back into bed. "Harry I can't I'm going to be late." Louis protests. He doesn't understand why Harry is trying to stop him they need to leave in 10 minutes if they are going to make go to school on time. He doesn't have any time to waste.

"Darling, your mum wants you to stay home until your meeting at 10." Harry explains pulling the boy back into his chest. Louis allows himself to be held by the older lad he turns to look up at him. "W-what why?" Louis whimpers.

Harry pulls him in tighter. "Because baby, yesterday was overwhelming for you and we should have seen that. I am sorry we didn't. But your mum thinks it's best if you wait for the meeting, hear what the school has to say and then we will see about the rest of the day." Harry says running his finger through the boys hair.

Louis doesn't respond he just lays there in Harry's arms, his mind is a swirl of thoughts and emotions nothing forming close to a coherent thought. He feels like he is fighting through a jungle full of vines with only a pocket knife to help him free.

"Why didn't mom tell me this?" Louis pouts hating that these decisions are being made for him without even including him in the conversation. It makes him feel even more helpless than he already does.

"She was going to talk to you about it when she woke you, I just asked if I could be the one to talk to you, wanted a cuddle with my boy before school." Harry smirks kissing the top of Louis head.

Butterflies erupt in Louis stomach, hearing Harry call him his boy it's all he's ever dreamed, but that feeling doesn't last long. His body is sending him on rollercoaster of emotions right now, he wants to stay in that giddy feeling of being called Harry's boy. But his mind is so fixated on this conversation that needs to happen today.

It's just too much everything is too much.

"Baby... are you okay?" Harry asks when Louis still doesn't respond after a few moments. "I-I I don't know." Louis says honestly. He allows Harry to move manipulate his body so that he his moved to sitting on Harry's lap.

"Talk to me sweetheart, tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." Harry asks and Louis blushes shyly. "I just... wh-what are people going to say?" Louis mumbles and Harry slides his finger under Louis chin turning it to face Harry. "They don't matter." Harry says.

Easy for Harry to say, I mean he could do and say anything and nobody would bat an eye they would think that Harry being Harry. Louis doesn't say anything just looked down at his hands fingers twisting around herself.

"Lou, I mean it, they don't matter okay? All that matters is that you are safe and I will do everything in my power to make sure you are never hurt again." Harry mumbles calmly into Louis hair, placing gentle kisses behind his ear.

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